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Feel Again
by Nicole Clark
Young, freshly married, and pregnant with her first child, Nicole Clark is met with devastating news: she has cancer, stage 2B. Suddenly, amid the hope she feels for this new life, she finds herself face to face with death. This leads her to...
The Great Adventure
Our Life Among Brazil's Canela People by Jack Popjes
We lived with the Canela people to give them the same life choices billions of people around the world already have: 1. To use modern medicine, or not. 2. To learn to read and write, or not. 3. To read the message of love from their Creator, or...
Delegate and Disappear
Invisible Wounds and Mefloquine-Messed Minds by Bruce Given
Overlapping with and compounding the impacts of post-traumatic stress disorder, mefloquine toxicity is a condition caused by anti-malarial drugs once routinely used in the Canadian Armed Forces—issued and ordered to be taken by tens of thousands...
An erotic mystery by Angel May McKay
The first novel out of this Canada-based series has it all; Allison McKean, a product of the system, having been placed in foster care, quickly learned to run from authority, often landing in police stations and courtrooms. Still a minor, Allison...
I Just Love You
by B.B. and E.E.
Sometimes the greatest love stories are the ones you didn't see coming. The authors, both on their own at the time, rediscovered one another and fell in love. Each week, inspired by his love for her, he would write a love verse for them to share....
Scattered Garbage
by Dawn Rodger
Growing up in the 1980s in Scarborough, Ontario was simply the best, it was freedom. Children woke at dawn to watch Saturday morning cartoons. They would put on their Walkmans, jump on their bikes and stay out all day until the streetlights came...
Vampires in BC
by Keith Costelloe
In a quiet city in British Columbia, vampires stalk a hospital, looking for victims to milk, kill, or recruit as partial vampires that instinctively desire humans for their life-giving blood. Although Jude loves the power of being a partial...
The Unhealed Wounds of My Father
A Memoir by Emile Maxi
Emile Maxi’s father, Ascencio, was born in Haiti in the 1920s. He was, as the author says, a man who wanted nothing more than to live up to his name by rising above the difficulty of a life filled with struggle and a dysfunctional childhood. A...
Inside, Outside, Upside Down
by Nan Gabinet
Mandy lives on a hobby farm, where a lot of chores need to be done. She usually helps her mom, but she does not like to work. She dreams of living in a world where she never has to do chores. One night, after a fight with her mom, Mandy sneaks...