Traces of Pilgrimage
by Tom McKoy
This book of poems conveys experiences in the life of the poet, with occasional conjuring through the eyes of other beings. The poems range from the intimate to the universal. Wonder, grief and humor intertwine throughout the book, sometimes all...
The Black, The White, and The Grey
A journey through depression, with a light at the end of the tunnel by J.M. Taylor
Are you proud of where you come from, Are you proud of what you’ve done? Do you linger alone, living in your past, Or are you proud of how far you’ve come? (“Proud,” p. 123) For some of us, life is not easy, right from the jump. What seems so...
Fetters Into Wings
by Paul L. Dryden
Still and calm now is my night Your words and your truths, my guiding light Even though my enemies still choose to fight Yet there is sweet peace in my valley tonight How can poetry help us deal with trauma? How do we turn our fetters into wings?...
Toronto Anthology
by Tania D'Amico
Toronto is arguably one of the biggest cities in Canada. One can argue that Toronto is one of the biggest cities in the world and is forever growing on an international scale when it comes to recognition and familiarity. Toronto is home to many...
I Donat
by Kofi-Kasha Makka-Abakan
I! Donat : Continues the tradition Y.S.H.D.A.N I Will Nevah Blackslide I Barbarian Vibes-eth in English Yardie (patois) Stylie Embrace I culture a'WOKE'nly {Worthy Of Kindness&Empathy} battah dung Instutionalized Race-I-sm DEMs PXKMs booklessly...
Chronology of Desire
by Richard Young
Few of us have lived a life as full of change as Richard Young. From his adolescence in Acton, West London in the 1960s through his time in Italy, Hong Kong, and then China, all the way to his later life in the States, watching his family grow,...
Calling a Spade a Spade
Poetry & Prose by Kaitlyn Sanders
In this original collection of poetry and prose, author Kaitlyn Sanders reflects in depth on love and relationships, individual growth and self-love, grief, loss, hope and healing. Over the course of this collection, Sanders generates a diverse...
Beyond the Gate
Poetry and Photography by Doug Jordan and Sidney Shapira
When the world amazes and words fail the rest of us, true poets step up to capture such moments forever, and then hold them up for the consideration, edification, and enjoyment of others … like precious gems best viewed from multiple angles. The...
Every Religion Has Two Faces
Poetic Questionings by Henry Summerfield
The poems in this book explore humankind's relationship with nature, nature's combination of bountifulness and cruelty, and how man resembles and differs from other species. They ponder the tension between faith and doubt, the good and the evil...
Between Disappointment and Delight
by Joy Lenentine
We get only one life So precious, so fleeting Is this how I’ll spend it Scrolling, posting, retweeting? The beauty of the natural world and the ups and downs of daily life—with all its gifts and losses, fear and joy, disappointment and...