Political Science
The First 20,000 Years by James M. Roth
The history of Canada can seem like a subject as large and expansive as the country itself, and for those of us who haven’t attended a history class in a while, it may just feel too big to tackle. Academic histories full of footnotes and jargon...
That's Rich: the Rise and Fall of the BC Liberals
A Biography of Rich Coleman by Judi Tyabji
In the unpredictable tangle of British Columbian politics, people and the parties they represent can appear, ascend, and then vanish in notoriety or irrelevance, all before your eyes. The pièce de résistance? Truth doesn’t have to factor into it....
Theater of Lies
Misinformation Divides Us – With Purpose. How to Protect Ourselves, & Why We Must. by Ted Griffith
Cynical about what you read and hear? Tired of the lies and misinformation? Who should you trust? Forty years ago, as Ted Griffith entered the business of communications, marketing, and public affairs—all aiming to persuade people to either...
Far Out!
The Untold Story of the ‘60s-Inspired “Back-to-the-Land” Migration that Changed Nova Scotia by Christopher Murphy
The 1960s was a period of radical social change. Many young people rejected the politics and values of the day and decided to “drop out” and migrate to the country. The desire for an independent rural life on the land took many of them to the...
The McNair-Flemming Years, Volume 1
A Public Record of Uncertain Times, New Brunswick 1930-1960 by James G. Long
The McNair-Flemming Years is a two-volume history of New Brunswick politics and events, from the Depression to the beginning of the 1960s. Based largely on contemporaneous journalistic input from five daily New Brunswick newspapers, it is exactly...
Marxism & Smart Life
A Critical Analysis of Marxism & an Inquiry Into Human Society by Nima Mazhari
Marxism and Smart Life is a compelling and thought-provoking examination of different aspects of human society. Comprised of two impressive volumes of philosophical, political, and economic thought—“Is Karl Marx Right?” and “Modern Human Smart...
Who Killed Sir William?
A Community-University Research Alliance Seeks Justice for Injured Workers by Marion Endicott and Steve Mantis
In 1910, Sir William Meredith led a Royal Commission to investigate the injury, death, and permanent disability of workers. In response to his findings, Meredith helped introduce a new system of compensation for injured and disabled workers that...
The McNair-Flemming Years, Volume 2
A Public Record of Uncertain Times, New Brunswick 1930-1960 by James G. Long
The McNair-Flemming Years Volume 2, explores the evolution away from text-heavy political advertising based on achievements, to an emphasis on the personality of leadership. In his last public speech before the 1952 election, Premier J.B. McNair...
Mightier Than the Sword
How Three Obscure Treaties Sanctioned the Enslavement of Millions and the Exploitation of Continents for More Than 400 Years by Lorraine Atkin
How can words on paper be more devastating than war? Why is there persistent inequality—racial, financial, structural? Why are things in our society the way they are? Mightier Than the Sword: How Three Obscure Treaties Sanctioned the Enslavement...
210° Celsius
16 Ways the Truckers Ignited Canada for the Long Haul by Barry W. Bussey
From late January to mid February 2022, the eyes of Canada—and indeed, the world—were on Ottawa, Ontario as the Trucker Freedom Convoy converged from all parts of the nation. They were there to tell Prime Minister Trudeau that enough was enough,...