Revealing God’s Truth
The Universe Is Old, Evolution Is Real, Life and Death Predates Adam, Flood Yes, but Not Global, Reexamining Genesis and Other Christian Topics by Paul Welechenko
Christians should never feel like they have to deny science to keep their faith. We can place our faith in Christ and scripture and at the same time embrace science. We need not be discouraged by scientific discoveries, but rather be encouraged...
Source of Light
Theory of Everything by Dritan Alpha
The truth of how we see the universe. The deceiving nature of Duality presented to us through language. The nature of “you,” “me,” the cosmos, and God. Where humanity is currently headed, and where we might go instead. Dritan Alpha encompasses...
Human Physics
by Anon Y. Maas
In introductory physics courses, students learn the basic principles of electromagnetism. What isn’t taught is how this invisible force affects people and the world. Author Anon Y. Maas knows it’s behind more than we may realize: consumerist...
The Forth Dimension
A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Universe by Ron Forth
Mainstream physics currently contends that only 4% of our Universe is made of normal matter and energy. The remaining 96% is thought to be mysterious dark matter and dark energy that are not at all understood. This presents a quandary relative to...
Prospecting in the Northwest Territories
1970, A Season Remembered by Lee Moldenhauer
It was a different time. In 1970, the hippie culture was still going strong, and young people were ready to take on the world. It was a time of getting back to the land, jumping in a VW van to tour the country—without wearing seatbelts, and...
Do You Speak Bee?
The Incredible Story of Lives Inside the Hives by Albert B. Chubak
Do you speak Bee? If you’ve ever wondered about life inside a beehive, you’re invited to step into the extraordinary world of honey bees and explore their remarkable lives. Dive into the fascinating communication bees use, a unique language that...
Modeling The Universe
A Journey Home by Robert A. Kirby
Imagination and science take flight in this new description of our three dimensional universe. The old physics of equations and non-answers is replaced with mechanisms that explain reality. The fundamental particle of matter is modeled and...
Application of ISO IEC 17025 Technical Requirements in Industrial Laboratories
Method Validation by M.L. Jane Weitzel and Wesley M. Johnson
The book introduces the new concepts of target measurement uncertainty and decision rules and explains how to use them to demonstrate a method is fit-for-purpose. As well, they can be used to set the acceptance criteria for a method validation...
Making of the World
Sapiens' Journey From Wilderness to Civilization by Mahbub H. Khan
This book is “a strong summary of world history and social evolution” (Timothy Earle, Emeritus Professor of Anthropology, Northwestern University, USA). Humanity was once divided into thousands of small nomadic groups, hardly knowing each other....
The Deeper Story of Moose Factory's Great Flood by Jean Pierre Chabot
1894: The Deeper Story of Moose Factory’s Great Flood is an account of an ice jam-induced flood that occurred at the Hudson’s Bay Company (HBC) fur trading post on Moose Factory Island, which is situated along the James Bay coast in Canada's...