Celestial Navigation Exercises for Class and Home study
by Dominique F. Prinet
About the Manual Celestial Navigation Exercises for Class and Home Study was designed to facilitate the work of instructors using the free PowerPoint slide presentation available at This exercise manual, available in...
The Canal At Sault Ste Marie
The South Shore Quarry's Contribution to Canadian History by Shirley Hoskins and Jan Joyce
This is the story of how a long abandoned limestone quarry on the south shore of Manitoulin Island played a small, but significant role in Canadian history. For over one hundred and twenty years the story of the quarry has lived on in the...
The Red Knight Aircraft
Includes Civilian Revivals and Static Display Aircraft by John Charles Corrigan
The Red Knight was the product of thirty years of meticulous research by aviation historian John Charles Corrigan. It is arguably the most comprehensive account ever written about the Royal Canadian Air Force’s legendary solo jet-aerobatics...
"Auto" Biography
A Memoir In Cars by Dason Wowk
In late 2020, as the world prepared to leave an unforgettable year behind, Dason Wowk began planning a one-of-a-kind project to bring some positivity to his friends and family during dark times. The idea was simple yet profound: every day for a...
Metered Moments
Diary of a Cab Driver by Nipun Sharma
Conversations have the incredible power to connect people. Even a seemingly simple chat can transform a stranger into someone you’ll remember for the rest of your life. Almost no one knows better the power that conversations hold than taxi and...
Claude And His Bus
An Adventure on Every Trip by Claude Boucher
In a fast-paced and frantic world, it feels like the most important thing is getting from point A to point B as fast as possible. But sometimes, the urgency of the modern world makes us forget that the journey is just as important too - even if...
The Red Knight
by John Charles Corrigan
The Red Knight is the product of 25 years of meticulous research. It is, arguably, the most comprehensive account ever written about the Canadian Air Force’s legendary solo jet-aerobatics performer. An important part of Canadian aviation history,...
Celestial Navigation
using the Sight Reduction Tables Pub. No. 249 by Dominique F. Prinet
This manual has grown out of all the courses given by Dominique Prinet, a certified Instructor-Evaluator for Sail Canada who has been teaching celestial navigation since 2000. It has benefitted from the thoughtful contributions of over 100...
To A High Court
Five Bold Law Students Challenge Corporate Greed and Change the Law by Neil Thomas Proto
Fall 1971. Richard Nixon is in the White House. Five George Washington University law students form Students Challenging Regulatory Agency Procedures (SCRAP). SCRAP's intent: to challenge the corporate greed of the nation's railroads and the...
Pigeons to Peshawar
by Kenneth F. Schanke
An amazing story—even more so because it’s all true. City-born and country-raised, Ken developed a need to fly and found a way to do it. While recalling his career as a USAF navigator, he relates to the history of the ‘60s, ‘70s and ’80s—linking...