Business & Economics
Mastering Online Side Hustles
Ten Steps to Getting Started to Achieve Financial Independence by S. Edward Johnson
Are you seeking to gain financial independence? Do you want to rely less on one source of income? Mastering Online Side Hustles is a self-help guide designed to empower individuals to achieve financial independence through online side hustles....
The Bitcoin Bible
by Antonio Duscio
Mankind is at the dawn of a new age. As the world accelerates through the fourth industrial revolution, we find ourselves in a developing environment whereby the global monetary system is converting to digital technology. One could argue that the...
Keys to a Successful Consulting Career
True Stories from the Field by Peter Homenuck
Specialized skills may be at the core of consulting, but it’s ultimately a people business. Meeting people, talking to them, and maintaining those relationships are all key parts of the job. One client may expect a suit and tie while another will...
Financial Wellbeing
The Biblical Way by Lawrence Manu
Did you ever wonder if money is evil or God is against material riches? This is far from the truth. This book will clear every doubt you may have about wealth and reassure you that God wants you to make wealth for several reasons—to take care of...
Survival of the Kindest
How Companies Like Yours Can Save the World by David J. Lockett
From a global pandemic and rising poverty rates to political polarization and rising seas, we live in a time of perpetual crisis. Few might think corporations could be the ones to save us. But who is more equipped with the resources needed to...
Leadership in Crisis and Crisis in Leadership
Lessons for Change & Opportunities to Improve by Dr. Ganesh Narine
When we hear the word “leadership,” we often associate it with the workplace, but some of the best examples of leadership can be found in the home or among loved ones. In Leadership in Crisis and Crisis in Leadership, Dr. Ganesh Narine delves...
You Can't Live In The Ceilings
Practical Advice for Home Buyers, Sellers, and the Agents Who Serve Them by Mary Cleaver
Buying or selling a home is a high-stakes endeavour. Prices continue to smash records, competition is fierce, and life-altering decisions are often made in an instant. Your home may be your largest financial investment—and a large proportion of...
Le bon leader selon Dieu
by Prophete Jonathan Kouadio
Pour mon livre "Le bon leader selon Dieu", "Découvrez le modèle divin du leadership qui inspire et transforme, basé sur la sagesse éternelle de Dieu." L'objectif principal est de guider chaque leader, particulièrement chrétien, vers un leadership...
7 Steps to a Better Portfolio
by Edward James Goodfellow
WE ARE ALL LOOKING FOR AN ANSWER. Lose weight, be happier, get a promotion at work, become a better parent, get the most out of life. We are all seeking a solution or direction, on how to make something better. Investing is no different. To some,...
Performance Equation
The rocket science (Not!) behind how great people, teams and organizations work by Mario G. Patenaude
The performance of an organization ultimately rests on the quality of its people. How well they work together to develop and implement business strategies determines the organization’s success in a global and competitive world. This absolute...