A Life Postponed
Finding Your Purpose and Joy in Mid-life and Beyond! by Wendy Richards
Life can be unpredictable. There’s a myriad of reasons why a woman over fifty might find herself in a state of emotional or financial crisis and have to start over. If you’re struggling and searching for meaning in the second half of your life,...
I Love You, Mitya
My Amusing Memories of Growing up Sad, Sweet, and Catholic by Karen Eckert
In this whimsical, humour-filled memoir, author Karen Eckert shares her journey through the pivotal moments of her formative years. Her story is illustrated with a vibrant collection of photographs, cartoons, reconstructions of past...
The Path to Fulfillment
12 Principles to Living Your Best Life by Tina Donovan
Be the hero in your life, not the victim. As author Tina Donovan shares, if you embrace change and take responsibility, your life will change. The Path to Fulfillment is a blueprint for a purpose-filled existence, as achieved through the 12...
It's All Gonna Be Okay
From Mad & Sad To Calm & Confident by Kim Sunderland
There was a time when my emotional explosions sent folks running for the hills and left me hiding in shame. Mad and sad seemed to be my constant companions. Every time I read a book on self-improvement, there was one more item to be added to the...
Going To War
(With Myself) by Crystal Wolfer
While mental health awareness is on the rise, it is still a heavily stigmatized subject, with people feeling as isolated and misunderstood as ever. Their symptoms, experiences, and challenges are frequently ignored by health-care professionals...
Together Still
Love Beyond Death by Linda Hill
With poetic gentleness and vulnerable integrity, Linda Hill's memoir, Together Still: Love Beyond Death portrays Continuing Bonds: A compelling approach to end-of-life accompaniment, death care and bereavement. For four adventurous decades, Linda...
The Brothers in Recovery Anthology
My Poems in Addiction Recovery by Craig T. Robertson
Written while in addiction recovery, the poems in The Brothers in Recovery Anthology: My Poems in Addiction Recovery describe author Craig T. Robertson’s chronological journey through treatment and therapy. Robertson explores healing,...
Mind, Meditation and a Spark of Magic
Inspirational guide and workbook to transcend illusion by Sabina Magnus
MIND, MEDITATION AND A SPARK OF MAGIC is a thought-provoking guide inviting you to embark on a journey from self-discovery toward self-realization. Sabina Magnus shares experiences and wisdom, which have been gathered over decades, offering a...
How to be Street Smart
by Yaser Qandeel
Street smart is one of those phrases we hear a lot but rarely think about. Everyone wants to be street smart, but as Yaser Qandeel discovered in his experience and research for this book, it means many different, even contradictory, things to...
Bully Proof
Practical Strategies by Chris Leigh-Smith
We have all been affected by violence, intimidation, and bullying to some degree. Children are especially vulnerable to the lasting pain and trauma of these experiences. When we give them the tools and understanding, children can develop the...