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Unleashed cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-03-919383-3
    • epub, pdf files
  • Paperback Edition
    • 978-1-03-919381-9
    • 6.0 x 9.0 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 198 pages
  • Hardcover Edition
    • 978-1-03-919382-6
    • 6.0 x 9.0 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 198 pages
  • Keywords
    • Leadership style,
    • Authentic self,
    • Intentional living,
    • Navigating change,
    • personal development,
    • Team building,
    • Adapting to change

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Intention, Empowerment, Influence
by Kimberly Magnus

Are you trying to find work-life balance? Are you starting the journey of leadership in your career? Do you see opportunities in your organization you want to help influence? Are you wanting to accelerate your personal and professional development? This book can help you with these and more. Leading people is truly a privilege, although it might not always feel that way. While every company requires leaders, not every company has a plethora of effective leaders. If your exposure to great leadership has been light, you might be selling yourself short on expectations. Leadership is a wonderful journey of self-discovery. It requires humility, curiosity, and confidence. Making that transition from being an individual contributor to a leader of people is not easy. Give yourself grace, be open minded, learn something new every day and enjoy the experiences unabashedly. Business leader Kimberly Magnus breaks down the principles of leadership lessons she learned through experience and reflection. This book advocates for serving yourself first through intention. You will then be well positioned to effectively serve your team through empowerment which paves the way to serve your organization through influence. With over twenty years inspiring teams in the toy, beer and market research industries, Kimberly shares how she learned to live a values-driven life and thrive as a result. • Strive for satisfaction, not balance • Focus on improving instead of proving • Lead with empathy and vulnerability so your team can do and be their best while still loving tough • Take more risks; don’t wait until you are ready because you will never be ready These are just a few of the many lessons Kimberly addresses in Unleashed. If you want to build your confidence, be inspired, and learn new tools on how to maximize your impact, this book can help.

Kimberly Magnus photo

Kimberly Magnus is a self-proclaimed CIO—chief inspiration officer—who thrives when she helps others grow to realize their potential. Her mission is to listen intently, support intensely and unleash intentionally. Since learning the incredibly challenging art of work-life satisfaction and harmony over balance, Kimberly has embraced the concept of living both intentionally and authentically and hopes her book will help others do the same. Having worked in leadership roles for many years, Kimberly has been described as a galvanizing culture builder, a talent multiplier, and an integrative thinker with a passion for inspiring performance-driven teams. On a personal front, Kimberly married her high school sweetheart, Brad, and is the proud mother of Taylor and Mason. They live in a smalltown northeast of Toronto, Canada, where they spend a lot of family time on the golf course or on the water. Kim’s love of learning includes reading, listening to podcasts, watching Ted Talks and anything else allowing her to absorb new inspirations fueling her ability to help others. Kim holds an Honours Bachelor of Arts from York University. Kim is a certified facilitator for The Six Types of Working Genius and a Maxwell Certified Behavioral Analysis Consultant. Most recently, Kim became a Certified John C Maxwell Coach. Kimberly can be reached via LinkedIn.


Kimberly Magnus

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