High Cols and Deep Canyons
Ordinary Adventures in Extraordinary Places by Stephen Legault
"I am drawn to the empty quarter, to open country, to the place on the map where there are dragons and giants, and the vast open spaces of mountains, canyons, rivers, prairies, and oceans. However, as the subtitle of this book declares, I am...
One Cell, The World
Climate Action Art & Research Catalogue by Pauline Sameshima
Around the world, individuals and groups are rallying to draw attention to the climate emergency. Lakehead University culminated a Year Of Climate Action (YOCA) in a showcase of events at their 2022 Research and Innovation Week. One Cell, The...
The Reesor Siding Tragedy
Canada's Bloodiest Labour Conflict by Charles A Beaudoin
Northern Ontario, January 1963. Weeks of violence and rising tension, mob mentality, and failures in leadership culminated in the Reesor Siding Tragedy: a shooting that took the lives of three strikers from the Spruce Falls Pulp and Paper Company...
The Gift of Birding
by Kevin R. Shackleton
It is never too late to become a birder. The materials available for the beginning bird watcher/birder are designed to make taking up the pastime easy. Today’s binoculars and spotting scopes are much improved on those available thirty years ago....
Practical Regeneration
Realistic Strategies for Climate Smart Agriculture by Scott Gillespie
“To begin evaluating an agricultural system, you’ll need to get to the core ideas and features that actually drive the system to ensure that you have a grounding for best methods and practices.” In his consulting career as an agronomist, and as a...
A Portrait of Astonishing Nature
by Chris Buddle
In A Portrait of Astonishing Nature, 53 works of original poetry and watercolour paintings come together to celebrate the animals and plant life that surround us in our everyday lives. From the elusive Alces alces (moose) to the colour-changing...
Do You Speak Bee?
The Incredible Story of Lives Inside the Hives by Albert B. Chubak
Do you speak Bee? If you’ve ever wondered about life inside a beehive, you’re invited to step into the extraordinary world of honey bees and explore their remarkable lives. Dive into the fascinating communication bees use, a unique language that...
The Deeper Story of Moose Factory's Great Flood by Jean Pierre Chabot
1894: The Deeper Story of Moose Factory’s Great Flood is an account of an ice jam-induced flood that occurred at the Hudson’s Bay Company (HBC) fur trading post on Moose Factory Island, which is situated along the James Bay coast in Canada's...
The North Then and Now
Stories from the Hudson Bay Lowlands by Albert Chookomolin and Bill Keller
The Hudson Bay Lowlands that cover the top of Ontario form one of the largest remaining wild spaces on earth. The Lowlands are a sometimes harsh but beautiful place that has long supported the Swampy Cree people—the Mushkegowuk. The North Then...
Not Just Dirt
Revitalizing Soils With Regenerative Agriculture Principles by Kevin R. Elmy
Just Not Dirt is a book helping soil caretakers to look at ways of managing regeneratively. That is building soil adding carbon back into the soil ecosystem. The soil health principles are global, they are true around the world. How you do it...