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Nordegg cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-03-832976-9
    • epub, pdf files
  • Paperback Edition
    • 978-1-03-832974-5
    • 6.0 x 9.0 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 132 pages
  • Hardcover Edition
    • 978-1-03-832975-2
    • 6.0 x 9.0 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 132 pages
  • Keywords
    • Cryptozoology,
    • Bigfoot tracking,
    • Mysterious encounter,
    • Legendary creature,
    • Wilderness safety,
    • Land connection,
    • Forest stewardship

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The Quest to Find Sasquatch
by Annette Hobart and Warren Hobart

In Nordegg: The Quest to Find Sasquatch, Annette and Wunfeather (Warren) Hobart invite readers into the wilderness of Nordegg, Alberta, to join them on their unique journey in search of the legendary Sasquatch. Seasoned trappers and Indigenous Knowledge Keepers, the Hobarts draw from their deep connection to the land to interpret the mysterious signs they encounter—from towering figures at the edge of camp to unexplained footprints in the mud. With personal tales of strange sights, eerie sounds, and unforgettable encounters, they pull readers into the very heart of Sasquatch territory, where curiosity meets the unknown. Each chapter blends personal experience with practical advice on handling encounters, documenting evidence, and reporting sightings. The Hobarts also explore varied theories on Sasquatch, which have been documented in cultures around the world, ranging from a reclusive primate to more mystical interpretations of its existence. Grounded in a deep respect for the land and its secrets, the Hobarts’ ongoing quest invites believers, skeptics, and the simply curious to explore what might live in the depths of our forests.

Annette Hobart and Warren Hobart photo

Annette and Wunfeather (Warren) Hobart are Indigenous land users, Knowledge Keepers, and certified trappers who operate a trapline in northeastern Alberta. Their deep connection to the land, along with their extensive experience in animal tracking and understanding habitats, has been invaluable in their quest to find Sasquatch. As seasoned explorers of the wilderness and second-generation Sasquatch seekers, they have shared numerous adventures and personal encounters with this elusive creature. Inspired by friends and colleagues to document these experiences, they have written this book to share their journey. Living in the Bonnyville-Cold Lake region of Alberta, both are active members of the Alberta Trappers Association, the Lakeland Trappers Association, and the Alberta Sasquatch Organization. You can connect with Annie on her Facebook page, AnnieOz, or join Wunfeather’s Facebook group, Olly Olly Oxen Free.


Annette Hobart
Warren Hobart

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