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The Nature of Humans cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-03-911672-6
    • epub, pdf files
  • Paperback Edition
    • 978-1-03-911670-2
    • 5.0 x 8.0 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 156 pages
  • Hardcover Edition
    • 978-1-03-911671-9
    • 5.0 x 8.0 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 156 pages
  • Keywords
    • Inspirational Poetry,
    • Canadian Poetry,
    • Alberta Poetry,
    • Personal Growth,
    • Personal Development,
    • Self-improvement,
    • Nature Poems

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The Nature of Humans
Personal Growth through Poetry
by Christopher Jones

The Nature of Humans: Personal Growth through Poetry chronicles a poet’s journey; one of self-discovery, and one from criticism, and judgement to compassion and kindness toward the self and others. A journey that unfolds from inner reflection to considerations of relationships, and then embarks into nature. This collection turns a contemplative eye to unchallenged, negative scripts in our minds that keep us from being our best selves, and that impede our relationships with others. At the same time, it affirms inner worth and inner strength. It reflects on aging and depression as well as the power and presence of love. Just as it turns its gaze to recognize the beauty of nature, it asks us to recognize the beauty within ourselves and held between us. Encouraging thoughtful reflection on the self and the world, The Nature of Humans is a poetry collection accessible to those new to poetry as well as long-time readers. Chris offers a road to self-discovery and transformation, marking the path with words of inspiration.

Please arrest and incarcerate any thought that you might simply sit and read through Chris’ poetry. This work needs to be approached as an immersive experience, bringing with you all that you carry – your baggage, your inquiring mind, your loving heart, your wandering soul. If the reader is willing to embark, these poems are a voyage of discovery, with your very being, your soul the undiscovered country. While conjuring images of the beauty of nature, the gaze is subtly but purposefully turned to witness the same divine beauty dwelling within. The transference from outward to inward beauty can be serene, but can also be raw and honest and transformative, bringing into question all that you brought on this journey: revealing that which can be cast off and that which is essential. This is the ebb and flow of nature and of the human soul – at the place where the two worlds meet. These are poems of awareness. These are poems of awakening.

Christopher Jones photo

Christopher Jones emigrated to Canada from England in 1981, seeking adventure and opportunity at the age of 23. He brought with him a few poems he had written as a teenager, born from a love of language and a poet’s heart. It took nearly 40 years before his poetic artistry found the time and space to fully reveal itself, for his poems to escape and be captured at the same time. The Nature of Humans is Chris’s first collection of poetry, written while growing a leadership development company with his business partner and loving wife, Lisa Scott. Chris has always tried to evolve himself throughout his life, which has fueled his passion for supporting the personal growth and professional development of others. Personal growth is the predominant theme of the book. Chris lives in Calgary, Alberta, within sight of the glorious Rocky Mountains. He has two loving and supportive adult children, Thom and Charlotte.


Christopher Jones

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