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by Ron Sokol

This whole thing about dogs don’t live all that long, but we know to cherish the time we have with them anyway... Wait a second. This is about a trial lawyer. If he can get his way to dog heaven, there is no doubt he will convince them to return his dog to earth. He is on a mission, the grief is just way too much, and it is as simple as that! Well...isnt it?

Ron Sokol, the author, thinks that death should be outlawed, at least to a large degree, and at least with regard to your loyal, loving, wonderful, irreplaceable dog. He lives in Manhattan Beach, California, with his wife, dog and cat. He either was going to get up on a soap box and talk about outlawing death, at least to a large degree, and at least with regard to your loyal, loving, wonderful irreplaceable dog, or he was going to write this book.


Ron Sokol

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