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Dream Catcher and Reconciliation cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-4602-8712-5
    • epub, mobi, pdf files
  • Paperback Edition
    • 978-1-4602-8711-8
    • 5.5 x 8.5 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 240 pages
  • Hardcover Edition
    • 978-1-4602-8710-1
    • 5.5 x 8.5 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 240 pages
  • Keywords
    • 1960s Scoop,
    • Aboriginal issues,
    • Social work memoir,
    • Aboriginal Scoop,
    • Aboriginal poems,
    • BC First Nations,
    • Residential School

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Dream Catcher and Reconciliation
by Wallace George du Temple

Wally du Temple, who was a social worker during the Sixties Scoop of aboriginal children, presents a convincing case for the need of reconciliation with First Nations and also with Mother Earth.

From: Registrar & Vice-President of Student Affairs, Conestoga College, Kitchener, Ontario "It was the early sixties and the imprisoned Mandela is an icon to progressives. The brief reference to the letters both to and from Nelson Mandela regarding the future of democracy in Africa reflects Wally du Temple’s youthful awakening to the lack of social justice for so many. Clearly Dream Catcher and Reconciliation has gestated for decades, yielding a mosaic of both memories and experiences, interlaced with snapshots of First Nation history. His outrage at the neglect and treatment of First Nations in northern British Columbia in the early sixties is palpable. Though the personal is always present, Dream Catcher is a far-ranging description of some of the dynamics of the sixties scoop in northern B.C. and how du Temple and other social workers struggled to alert the province to the tragedy that was unfolding. It touches on the tragedies that befell First Nations as they encountered European expansionism, as well as elements of indigenous cultures that were so important for survival. Many will disagree with du Temple’s conclusions as to the reasons for the many tragedies that befell First Nations, as well as his prescriptions for reconciliation. Nevertheless, it is worth a read, as it is thought provoking and one can not help but come away with a better understanding and empathy for what is currently Canada’s paramount social issue. Respect for First Nations is evident throughout the book. And as a colleague recently said to me, the journey of reconciliation must begin with respect. " -------------- From: Lynn Hunter; MP Canadian Parliament 1988-1993, Aquaculture specialist for David Suzuki Foundation, and Coastal Alliance for Aquaculture Reform, Councillor, Victoria City Council 2008-2011. In "Dream Catcher and Reconciliation" author Wally du Temple transforms a memoir for his grandson into a cry for justice for Indigenous people and our earth. It is a story from someone who knows. He was a social worker who witnessed the 60's Scoop -an action that has "never ended- only the destination changed. Instead of sending indigenous children to white families, the government has sent a generation of Indigenous children to jail." -------------- From: Elizabeth May, leader of the Green party of Canada “This manuscript is quite extraordinary… Particularly powerful is the episode of his time as a scoial worker at the Sacred Headwaters of norther British Columbia. Wally’s courage in being a whistle blower to expose government neglect and abusive policies toward the Tahltan Nation is an important piece of our history.” --------------- From: Dr. David R. Boyd UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights and Environment Associate Professor of Law, Policy, and Sustainability "Wally du Temple is a storyteller par extraordinaire, and he has a treasure trove of tales to draw upon, from dog-sledding misadventures in the Arctic to whistleblowing on the Sixties Scoop as a social worker in northern BC. The book is part memoir, part essays, part letter to his grandson, and one hundred percent packed with passion and insight." --------------- From: Anne Neave, Kamloops In 'Dream Catcher and Reconciliation' Story-teller and poet Wally du Temple uses his skills to create an engaging memoir for his grandson. He brings to life his years as a social worker and educator working with First Nations in British Columbia and Nunavut, experiences that galvanized him into social activism. For activist and non-activist alike, du Temple provides background on Canadian social and environmental justice issues, and what it's like to be on the front lines in attempting to effect change.

Wally du Temple, who was a social worker during the Sixties Scoop of aboriginal children, presents a convincing case for the need of reconciliation with First Nations and also with Mother Earth.


Wallace George du Temple

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