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The Things I've Left Unsaid cover

  • Paperback Edition
    • 978-1-77097-204-9
    • 5.0 x 8.0 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 88 pages
  • Keywords
    • Life,
    • Diary,
    • Secrets,
    • The Things I’ve left Unsaid,
    • Puneet Rangi,
    • Experience,
    • Poetry

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The Things I've Left Unsaid
by Puneet Rangi

Here’s the diary of a soul who finally found courage to express the truths that must be told. Conveying the ways in which filth trickled by and eroded every piece of humanity left inside. Here’s a challenge to the world in all the atrocities it must hide. The forbidden challenge against actions speaking louder than words, here’s the voices that haven’t been heard. No more lies that must be told, no more anguish left to hold. Here’s an opportunity to lift the weight of the world off your back, a first and forlorn possibility to attack. In acknowledgment that truths are filtered thoroughly, let’s not be blind to all the carnage that we see, and finally be able to know that this chaos that’ll be, is that the chaos surrounding our souls inevitably. Hear the truths in all its lies, take note and hear them through your hearts avertable demise.

"This is a non-fiction work of art, an interpretive portrayal of feelings, circumstances, and situations that have stemmed from the harsh cruelties that have occurred and continue to occur, but inexorably go unforeseen." - Anonymous

Puneet Rangi photo

A contemporary exemplification of growing up too fast, Puneet Rangi mustered up all that she could, and all that she knew how to put her life into words. When the world came crashing down around her, and the ground sank beneath her, she was alone. In that loneliness she projected her misfortune in this inspirational work of art. Here are the truths that she left to tell, and the secrets she dared to spell.


Puneet Rangi

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