Application of ISO IEC 17025 Technical Requirements in Industrial Laboratories
Method Validation by M.L. Jane Weitzel and Wesley M. Johnson
The book introduces the new concepts of target measurement uncertainty and decision rules and explains how to use them to demonstrate a method is fit-for-purpose. As well, they can be used to set the acceptance criteria for a method validation...
Making of the World
Sapiens' Journey From Wilderness to Civilization by Mahbub H. Khan
This book is “a strong summary of world history and social evolution” (Timothy Earle, Emeritus Professor of Anthropology, Northwestern University, USA). Humanity was once divided into thousands of small nomadic groups, hardly knowing each other....
The Deeper Story of Moose Factory's Great Flood by Jean Pierre Chabot
1894: The Deeper Story of Moose Factory’s Great Flood is an account of an ice jam-induced flood that occurred at the Hudson’s Bay Company (HBC) fur trading post on Moose Factory Island, which is situated along the James Bay coast in Canada's...
Introduction to Live Sound Reinforcement
The Science, the Art, and the Practice by Teddy Boyce
For live sound engineers, this book is an invaluable resource in the path to career development. This edition builds upon the clear writing and comprehensive illustrations of the previous edition to explain the fundamental concepts of acoustics...
Not Just Dirt
Revitalizing Soils With Regenerative Agriculture Principles by Kevin R. Elmy
Just Not Dirt is a book helping soil caretakers to look at ways of managing regeneratively. That is building soil adding carbon back into the soil ecosystem. The soil health principles are global, they are true around the world. How you do it...
Small Forays Into Big Spaces
Eavesdropping at Meetings of Nature and Culture by Robert B. Weeden
Drawing on his experience as a student of ecology, his career in natural resource management, and his lifelong love of nature, Robert B. Weeden shows how living beings and their environments—foxes, bears, trees, ponds—have shaped the course of...
Life As I Know It
A Biologist's View of the World by Richard Penner
Can a biologist be fiercely supportive of the scientific process and still believe in God? How does travelling shape a young mind, and can it influence the path you take in life? Are humans really all that different from each other, when we...
Dimensional Boundaries
A Novel About the Impossible by Doug Gill
When Jack Bennett takes over a first-year physics course from a colleague, little does he realize that life as he knows it is about to change … dramatically. During his first lecture, he’s captivated by a beautiful woman sitting in the front row....
Guide to Wellness Through Stretching
Change your range and improve mobility. Get ready to change your life! by Dale Deis and Ed Stiles
Stretching—you’ve probably heard of it. The fitness market is flooded with conflicting and confusing information about stretching. In The Guide to Wellness through Stretching, physiotherapist Dale Deis and physiologist Ed Stiles have taken a...
Idea Materia
Can Ideas be Measured by Science? by Patrick J. Ricard
How is it possible that throughout history several inventors around the world have independently invented the same things at the same time? Why does history repeat itself? How do birds know how to migrate, and how can “instinct” be explained?...