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Brainworms cover

  • Paperback Edition
    • 978-1-03-831943-2
    • 5.5 x 8.5 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 288 pages
  • Hardcover Edition
    • 978-1-03-831944-9
    • 5.5 x 8.5 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 288 pages
  • Keywords
    • Nuclear physics,
    • Astrophysics,
    • Big bang theory,
    • Scientific musings,
    • Pondering life,
    • Thoughts on biochemistry,
    • Dilemmas and conundrums

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and other surprises at the margin of the impossible
by Albert Driedger

What is a brainworm? The word evokes possibilities; is it perhaps like an earthworm, tilling the soil and making it more fertile? Or perhaps a parasite, harvesting from an organism without care for its host’s health and well-being? The brainworm could well be a new revelation: what mysteries might be contained within a book entitled Brainworms…and Other Surprises at the Margins of the Impossible? Brainworms, a series of essays, reveals the rumblings and grumblings of an unsatiable mind confronted with infinite possibilities. Ranging from topics in clinical medicine through to its underlying molecular biology and to radiation sciences and astronomy, Brainworms contains insight and wonder about the world we live in. Chronic curiosity and scientific investigation combine to reveal often surprising connections between such unlikely combinations as Galileo’s boredom, chaos, and mental health. Or consider the relationship of fifteenth-century troubadours to modern treatment of breast cancer. Perhaps the ties among honey bees, space exploration, and epigenetics are more to your interest. Possibly, you are more intrigued by linkages of sheep to muscle memory and the microbiome. Skillfully written, in a style reminiscent of nineteenth century writers and thinkers, Brainworms is an eclectic collection of short essays along a broad topical front that was inspired by the author’s observations of life in a diverse set of scientific fields. This delightful volume documents the unexpected avenues that our brains can take in their quest to explain and appreciate the grandeur of the universe and the exciting discoveries within it. Totally unpredictable and always captivating, Brainworms offers thought-provoking insight and stimulation to the scientific and unscientific alike.

Albert Driedger photo

Dr. Albert Driedger holds doctoral degrees in medicine and biochemistry, and his research brought him into contact with nuclear science and engineering. In addition to clinical work, he was a consultant to government and industry on issues related to radiation health and safety and taught about the role of physicians in hospital management in the developing world. He also has a long-standing interest in astronomy. In retirement, Dr. Driedger has supported environmental restoration in his community. In his medical roles, Dr. Driedger published in the field. He was an associate editor for the European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging for a decade. He is Professor Emeritus in Medicine at Western University, a Life member of the Canadian Association of Nuclear Medicine, and a member of the Muskoka Author’s Association. Dr. Driedger lives in Huntsville, Ontario, Canada.


Albert Driedger
Kaitlyn Sutey

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