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Revealing God’s Truth cover

  • Paperback Edition
    • 978-1-03-831285-3
    • 6.0 x 9.0 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 198 pages
  • Hardcover Edition
    • 978-1-03-831286-0
    • 6.0 x 9.0 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 198 pages
  • Keywords
    • Creation versus evolution,
    • Science and faith,
    • Existence of God,
    • Evolution and God,
    • Genesis creation story,
    • Old earth vs young earth,
    • Noah’s flood not global

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Revealing God’s Truth
The Universe Is Old, Evolution Is Real, Life and Death Predates Adam, Flood Yes, but Not Global, Reexamining Genesis and Other Christian Topics
by Paul Welechenko

Christians should never feel like they have to deny science to keep their faith. We can place our faith in Christ and scripture and at the same time embrace science. We need not be discouraged by scientific discoveries, but rather be encouraged by them as all truth—scientific and spiritual—is God’s truth. The complexities of the universe, Earth, and life reveal the creative mind of God and provide proof they could not have originated by chance. The Bible is not falsifiable, but a 6,500-year-old Earth is. Christians can believe in the Bible and in evolution. Evolution is not a God replacement. Revealing God’s Truth provides clear and helpful guidance in understanding that God exists and that the universe, including Earth, is old. Stories from Genesis such as the creation story and Noah’s flood are examined and offered as proof of God’s intelligent design for Earth and all life. Faith-building arguments for the validity of science and the Bible are made, giving Christians hope in an infinite, intelligent, and loving God.

Paul Welechenko photo

Paul Welechenko has made it his life’s effort to directly address lingering and troubling “elephants in the church,” especially the creation and flood stories as found in Genesis. His mission is to stop the abandonment of faith in God and the Bible caused by godless teachings on the topic of evolution. He respectfully challenges parts of traditional church doctrine from a scientific approach in a direct and simple way.


Paul Welechenko

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