Poetry, Subjects & Themes, Love & Erotica
Poets Road- The Wurdz
A Companion Guide to the Poets Road CD Trilogy by Xam Eitsirhc - "The Snake Oil Poet"
This autobiographical poetry collection recounts tales from the periphery of society, illuminating, in the author’s words, “a life misspent without repent.” Fellow outcasts will recognize themselves in these diverse themes, including social...
The Gate and Other Poems on a Life's Journey
by Doug Jordan
Each and every life is filled with poetry, even when its verses are never articulated. The perfect smile aimed at you with love, the feeling of inexplicable solitude in a crowded room, the perfect calm you sometimes feel before opening your eyes...
#instapoetry by Yupa Suachowpa
Inshallah claims its place amongst social media poetry and Instagram sensations like Rupi Kaur. These poems are like perfect cups and inside each is something essential. Personal, observational, and confessional, Inshallah carries themes of...
The Four Seasons
Beyond Autumn Leaves on the Other Side of the Moon by Anthony Di Micco
Life has its seasons, and so too does the heart. In this amazing anthology of poems, the author invites you to experience the four seasons of his heart. Representing youth and vitality, “Spring” contains poems of childhood, in all its purity....
Expressions of the Heart
by Anthony Di Micco
The human heart has many facets. Complex yet simple, fragile yet robust, it can change the world with its unbridled passion or beat quietly in isolated grief. As individuals and as nations, we often fail to understand each other. But no matter...
Book One: Sporadic Memories
by Ali Marsman
Sporadic Memories is a novel about a lifestyle that needs to be read about. Within the first few pages you will realize there has been a loss, it is not sad though; the narrator expresses with great enthusiasm the life they lived, which makes it...
Erotic Poems and Short Stories
by Anita Brooks
Plunging deeper into the depths of her hidden pleasure. Again and again he purrs, wanting only to please her for the stars in the sky. Get ready for the love experience of your life! Fantasy and eroticism written in descriptive poetry, sexy...
Living through loss and learning through love; poetry for the soul by Ashley Marie Godinho
The Millennial generation is opening up. They’re talking and reading about their feelings, and books like Quartette make it clear: you’re not alone—your feelings are valid and important, and they are yours to experience. Whatever your faith,...
Whimsical Sensations
by Tim Ridsdale
It’s more than a book really, it’s a journey through love and romance. It reaches deep into your soul, slowly caressing those tender places we hide from the rest of the world. It takes you away from the busy rush of the world to a calmer place...
Blister Me With Your Kisses
and Other Poems by Lucinda Mack
My poems are organically inspired by nature, music or movies. Once hit by the blast of stimulating verse, my mind somersaults from the powerful intensity of attack. My target audience would be readers who yearn to throb from rhythmic sensations....