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Exposed 2U
Self-Reflection Through Questions and Observations
by Sherwin Paul Head

What does it mean to be a man? The poems in Exposed 2U explore this question with gentleness, humour, and honesty, offering open-hearted reflections on subjects like love and romance, family and fatherhood, religion and spirituality, illness and aging, communication and community. Through a series of accessible and poignant vignettes, Sherwin Paul Head works to crack through male armour, exposing a soft, vulnerable core. A confused and exhausted Pentecostal child falls asleep under a church pew. A housefire destroys a family home—but not the family. A new father is devastated when he accidentally exposes the film roll containing photographs of his newborn daughter, presaging future estrangement before ultimate reunion. Exposed 2U is a revealing portrayal of masculinity and a compelling, redemptive journey. The poet’s willingness to divulge his own shortcomings and challenges offers a message of hope and encouragement, as well as an invitation to the reader to follow their own journey of self-reflection. Readers are encouraged to seek happiness through the poet’s formula: Harmony = (You + I) Communication² or H = (Y + I) C ²

Sherwin Paul Head photo

Sherwin Paul Head is a son, husband, father, grandfather, writer, and member of the human species. Born in Bishop's Falls Newfoundland to a strict but loving religious family, his passion for learning started early. He went on to train as a journeyman machinist, then a real estate salesperson, eventually becoming a moving consultant and marketing manager. He has served in various capacities in many business groups and organizations, including Kinsmen club of Corner Brook President, director of the Corner Brook Board of Trade, member of the St Johns Board of Trade, and co-chair of materials management for the 1999 Canada Winter Games. Sherwin has found writing poetry over the years to be both enjoyable and therapeutic. Exposed 2U, his début book, is a collection of thoughts and observations of a common man, whose only claim to expertise are feelings felt and lessons learned. Outside of writing, Sherwin’s passions and pastimes have included playing guitar, hunting, fishing, cooking, entertaining, stock car racing, watching hockey, and playing poker. He has four children and seven grandchildren, and lives in Paradise, Newfoundland with his wife, Kimberley.


Sherwin Paul Head
JE. Corbett

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