Poetry, Continental European
House of Matches
by Ro Artland
In House of Matches (2024) the poet fashions and gives life to diverse voices of refugees, immigrants, exiles, as well as victims of war, human trafficking, and pandemic. Collectively, in their stories of struggles, losses, and triumphs, the...
Hungarian Poetry (Folk, Classical and Modern) in English
1000 years by Frank Veszely
An accomplished poet and the author of Canadian Hungarian Literature (1897 - 2017), Frank Veszely brings to the English reader the rich treasure-house of folk, classical, and modern Hungarian poetry (1000 - 2020). The translations read as if they...
Wolves on the Road
Words of Land, Love and Loss by Ulrich Wendt
The phone rings and it is our neighbour to the east of us. There are wolves on the road again, heading our way. When we hurry to look, there they are–three wolves, bigger than you’d expect, trotting confidently on the packed snow in the middle. A...
... et l´Amour a traversé non loin
by Milan Vinco Částa
Sur les ailes de la poésie Sur les ailes de la poésie de Milan Vinco Cásta, je me suis laissée ravir dans les hauteurs de l´univers et dans les gou res profonds des sentiments humains. Le feu qui jaillit des vers du poète allume la amme de...