Juvenile Fiction, Humorous Stories
Christmas With Maddy
by Charlene M Cavers
It is Christmas Time at Maddy's house, what could possibly go wrong? Just add one little West Highland White Terrier and Christmas will never be the same! Christmas With Maddy is the third book in the children's series, The Maddy Chronicles, a...
Maddy's First Winter
by Charlene M Cavers
What is Maddy up to now? The hijinks continue for Maddy in this delightful new story, "Maddy's First Winter". This is the second of the series, The Maddy Chronicles, which follows the real-life adventures of Maddy, the West Highland White...
by Tatie Punkinhead
Never have the words 'plunger' and 'source of endless amusement' been used together. ...until now! Enter, the enthralling world of the plunger as more than just a household object, and witness the innocence and the mischief! Get ready to have a...
One Hundred Thousand Some-Things
by Ryan Forbes
Some-Things are all around us—hiding in our walls, beds, and underwear drawers, waiting to come out and throw a huge party! When Sebastian comes home to find his bedroom full of some One Hundred Thousand Some-Things, he demands they leave—but...
I Heard a Noise
(...in our backyard) by Tamey McIntosh
When a loud noise in the night awakens two children, it starts them on a late-night adventure! At first, they think the noise is coming from inside their home, but they soon discover that it originates in their back yard. To their delight, the...
Richard Robert Raymond Roy
Very Small Boy by Cynthia van Eyk
Richard Robert Raymond Roy is a story about a young boy who is very small for his age. It tells of the struggles he faces everyday in facing challenges that his friends do not contend with at home, school and at play. Until he goes through a much...
Quanny and Danny
If it squeaks and squawks, it's a... by Barboria Bjarne
'Quanny and Danny' is a charming children's story by Barboria Bjarne about a cute little puppy, raised by a goose, and how he inadvertently finds his true voice. Quanny is a goose who struts around the property as if she were a guard dog. She is...
My Mom is an Octopus
by Nellie Emrani and Melody Emrani
Take one mom, add her two hands, mix in three young children, and you have the perfect recipe for fun! Like all moms, she needs to help her children with washing hair, brushing teeth, playing video games, stirring a pot of spaghetti, reading a...
The Kid Who Loved Mac and Cheese
by Valerie A. Wheat
How can a little boy love MAC AND CHEESE so much and not get tired of it? Tony loves MAC and CHEESE. He loves it so much that his mom calls him Tony Macaroni! He eats it for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and he even makes mac and cheese valentines.
Rub It In
by Cathy A Goudie and Michael L M Goudie
Sometimes we can be distracted and miss what is most important around us, but our children are the shining light that will lead us home. Rub It In is a true story about kisses, and where they go when you are truly loved. Meet a family who learned...