Fiction, Science Fiction, Short Stories
A Collection of Stories by Michael Wilde
Tyrant is a collection of stories exploring arcane realms and dystopian landscapes. "Harness,” follows three High Riggers hired for an obscure salvage mission on an alien planet. In "Tank," a reporter interviews witnesses to a drug den at the...
The Unconquerable Star
by Noelle C. McCorriston
The plot of the Black-fires—violent, flame-producing beings—to abduct Dust, an individual unique for his powerful sonar, failed. The small force of would-be kidnappers, led by Maggie Mushu, now flee, certain they will be tortured and killed if...
Compassion Fatigue
...and Other Stories of the Indecent Past, Weird Present, and Feared Future by Humberto da Silva
A father comforts his young son, hoping against hope their last little island of the Azorean archipelago won’t be strip mined by the Singularity. A couple choose a cheap upload for the consciousness of their young daughter who is dying from a...
The Unconquerable Dust
by Noelle C. McCorriston
Mister is tired of mercenary life. Luckily, as thanks for rescuing her daughter, Queen Star has invited him to join the Star Planet as an honourary Dronewatoner. But on his way to the ceremony, Mister is abducted by the cruel Flames, who seek to...
Our Heritage
by David Colwell
Our Heritage is a gesture towards home. The stories and poems in this collection are little slices of life, explorations of family, labour, illness, spirituality, war, and environmentalism, featuring coastal landscapes and a meteorologist’s...
Small Windows
by Duncan Shields
Small Windows is a collection of flash science fiction stories that provide glimpses into various states of the human condition on far-flung planets and in different times. Each tale is a brief exploration of what it means to experience life—an...
Short Stories
by Michael Guest
A Collection of Short Stories by Michael Guest is exactly what it says it is, but that does not mean it’s unsurprising. In these pages are stories of betrayal and murder, of passion, and redemption. The stories cover the gritty realism of life in...
Bottomless Dreams
by Ryan Power
Bottomless Dreams is a fearlessly inventive story collection—a philosophical tapestry woven with imagination, wit, and guts. Each story presents a unique world, wildly different from the last. The stories range from the fantastic to the gritty,...
Accounts of No Consequence
And Other Insignificant Fiction by Paul Kennedy Mueller
These lively and likable “accounts of no consequence” range from legend to mystery, and take the reader on adventures in frozen Norse isles, sunny La Jolla, bomb-torn Tora Bora, and other curious and consequential places.