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Meanings from A to Z
An Anthology of Poetry
by Shirley Kitchen

P is for poetry. Author Shirley Kitchen fashions words together, noting her existence and life around her. She writes of relationships with people and the earth. She speaks of loss, of change, of love and of striving to understand different perspectives. Using the alphabet as a structure for her poetry collection, Kitchen gives new life to words like ruefulness and mediocrity.

Shirley Kitchen photo

Shirley Kitchen has a BA in English literature and a life-long love of language. She has had several poems published in literary magazines. This is her first book. In addition to writing, she has worked as a nurse and as a television writer and producer. Shirley has three children, five grandchildren, a great grandson, and six granddogs, all of whom are featured daily on her much-prized digital photo frame. Born on the prairies, she lives in Winnipeg, Manitoba.


Shirley Kitchen

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