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Where Science Meets Spirit cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-03-832193-0
    • epub, pdf files
  • Paperback Edition
    • 978-1-03-832191-6
    • 6.0 x 9.0 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 354 pages
  • Hardcover Edition
    • 978-1-03-832192-3
    • 6.0 x 9.0 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 354 pages
  • Keywords
    • quadriplegia,
    • spinal cord injury,
    • rehabilitation,
    • disability,
    • yoga,
    • paralysis,
    • family

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Where Science Meets Spirit
The Autobiography of a Paralyzed Yogi
by Mary-Jo Fetterly

Zebra fish can repair paralyzed limbs. Many other species can regenerate limbs and specialized tissue. Are humans missing something? Why are some people healers, despite the odds, while others are not? By the time you are close to death, there is a one-in-five chance you will incur a disability. Wouldn’t you want science and medicine to do whatever possible to avert chronic debilitation? Why can’t science use that simple fish’s technology if you become paralyzed? What if Where Science Meets Spirit showed you that we could do much more to access our healing potential, but we don’t? This is an extraordinary memoir of unconventional approaches to life and paralysis, uncovering important knowledge about resilience, energy and embodiment, and our collective power from the limitless Life-force Energy we are all made from. Written as a memoir in a style that offers colourful lived experience, and reflective insights, and teachings, Where Science Meets Spirit weaves the reader through a labyrinth of woe, fascinating revelations, groundbreaking science, poignant trials, ancient wisdom, personal triumphs, and spiritual truths.

Mary-Jo Fetterly has an indomitable spirit not dimmed by her physical paralysis. Believing that health is a relationship between how you live, think and feel, Mary-Jo chooses to accept the challenges life gives her as gifts, and transforms the tragedy of her spinal cord injury into purpose and meaning. Her story is a lesson in healing for us all. —Rick Hansen, C.C., O.B.C., Founder of the Rick Hansen Foundation

Mary-Jo is a Yoga Teacher–Therapist and Health and Spiritual-Mindfulness Coach. She began formal training in Iyengar yoga in the mid-80s while studying psychology at the University of Waterloo. In 1996, after massage school she went on to become certified with Dr. Carolyn Myss in the field of Energy Anatomy. Ongoing training with many of the world’s leading yoga and somatic wellness practitioners provided Mary-Jo many certifications including: CYT, ERYT-500, CLC, NVC, Theta Healing, Bach Flower, and herbology. Mary-Jo teaches Yoga, Mindfulness and Adaptive Accessible Yoga at Rhodes College and at Yoga Therapy International. She loves to sail, garden, kayak, and to spend quality time with her amazing daughters, friends, and family, making and enjoying great meals together.


Mary-Jo Fetterly
Amanda Rose Fetterly
Christian Silla

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