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Life Lessons with Abba Father
by Don Howe

In Life Lessons with Abba Father, Don Howe shares his memories and experiences of encountering Christianity through a series of unusual events throughout his life. From narrowly escaping a charging bull to saving a plane full of travellers to lightning striking his home and medical emergencies, Don’s stories of the divine interventions in his life will inspire others to reflect on their own experiences and draw closer to God, Abba Father. As he approaches his eightieth year, Don has looked back on his life and is sharing how wonderful and rewarding it has been because he has let God guide him. Embracing his deeply personal connection to the divine, he encourages readers to also connect with Abba Father for hope and enrichment in their own lives.

Don Howe photo

Don Howe wrote Life Lessons with Abba Father to increase awareness that there is a Supreme Being that must be recognized if we are to have a fulfilled and meaningful life. Don’s goal is to teach us that life is an adventure and that it is most rewarding when guided by God. A retired dairy farmer, Don lives in Lower Coverdale, NB, with his wife Joy, on the family homestead. Don and Joy’s family includes four sons and a daughter, twelve grandchildren, and one great-granddaughter. Each morning, Don cares for about a dozen feral cats that have made their home in the family’s abandoned dairy barn. An avid gardener, Don finds contentment in tending to his plants. He is also an active member of the Lower Coverdale Baptist Church, where he leads a men’s group that meets weekly.


Don Howe

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