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Why Am I Here
A Book by Saint Germaine
by K A Schneider

Why Am I Here? A Book by Saint Germaine is the channeled message author Katherine Schneider received from Ascended Master St. Germaine to share with the world. In this message, humanity’s ultimate purpose is revealed, and the challenges of this life are explained. Humanity is transitioning from the Piscean Age to the Aquarian Age, becoming more spiritual and more aware of their True Selves. But this transition requires a move away from beliefs that have governed societies for close to two thousand years. We are being called to move out of our comfort zones and embrace a new way of thinking by expanding our minds and hearts to be more loving and peaceful with ourselves and each other. Into the midst of this evolution steps Saint Germaine with words to inspire, comfort, and encourage. Saint Germaine explores topics such as the emotions, the energy of love and gratitude, the different dimensions of existence, and how to create a new existence of love, harmony, and fulfillment. As members of a “collective consciousness,” all of us share love with the collective when we unconditionally love ourselves and others. Our challenges, struggles, and “dark” seasons serve to assist us in recognizing the light of pure love and freedom. It’s an amazing journey with a fascinating guide!

Katherine Schneider brings twenty five years of experience in New Age spiritual practices to this published work of Saint Germaine’s messages to her. Called to spiritual work to help end suffering for herself and others, Katherine hopes that Why Am I Here? A Book by Saint Germaine will bring healing and hope to readers. Katherine lives in British Columbia Canada with her husband, Dale, and their two dogs, Tiko and Rozy.


K A Schneider

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