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… of an Adopted Name
by Lacie A.C. Smith

This is an inner child screaming for help, the only way she knew how. Anthology of an Adopted Name is a collection of deeply personal rhyming poems written during and reflecting back on a childhood full of long-term domestic physical, emotional, mental, and verbal abuse. Lacie grew up knowing that she had been given up for adoption, but without the safety and support of the family that had adopted her to fall back on. Their abuse grew worse when they had a child of their own blood. Lacie was left to figure life out on her own, with constant negativity on her shoulders. The put-downs, the let-downs, and the empty broken promises battered her. With no other outlets to help alleviate her inner turmoil, Lacie turned to writing poetry. In that art form she found solace and escape. Years later, as an adult, Lacie returned to those poems. Collected here, the poems in this collection are an exploration of how we interact with, grow past, and heal from trauma.

Lacie A.C. Smith photo

Lacie A. C. Smith is a Canadian poet. She was inspired to begin writing by her Grade 9 English teacher using a "fill-in-the-blank" poem verse; whatever words were selected, each student had a different version of the same poem. As she found release through poetry, Lacie began to write more and more. As an adult, Lacie fills her days with many hobbies, including gardening, reading, crocheting, fly-fishing, rug-hooking, and motorcycling. She loves being out in nature, whether she’s walking the dogs or spending time with her partner. Lacie lives in the Rideau Lakes Township with her amazing Bleu, Keith.


Lacie A.C. Smith

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