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Stop Being a Super Chicken cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-03-919831-9
    • epub, pdf files
  • Paperback Edition
    • 978-1-03-919829-6
    • 5.5 x 8.5 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 156 pages
  • Hardcover Edition
    • 978-1-03-919830-2
    • 5.5 x 8.5 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 156 pages
  • Keywords
    • Leadership,
    • Team Management,
    • Productivity,
    • Team Building,
    • Positivity & Motivation,
    • Human Resources,
    • Business

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Stop Being a Super Chicken
The Importance of Building Relationships at Work and at Home
by Lana T Bavle

Our relationships have the power to shape our entire lives. Learn how to inspire loyalty and motivation; develop productivity and efficiency; build stronger and more meaningful connections; and, transform your team—and your organization—for the better. How? Stop being a super chicken. Riffing off Margaret Heffernan’s TED Talk, “Forget the Pecking Order at Work,” Stop Being a Super Chicken lays the groundwork for making a more effective, prolific, and dependable team. Bavle flips the current business model on its head by proposing that with compassion, team building, inclusion, communication, and positive motivation, you can make the most of your team (yourself included). Whether you are an employee or employer, a leader or a follower, Stop Being a Super Chicken is a must-read. It will help you shift your perspective, build resilience and awareness, create positive relationships, and inspire motivation within your team, department, and organization. Bavle offers practical advice, personal anecdotes, and helpful examples, effectively showcasing the dos and don’ts of leadership and management for a beneficial work environment.

Lana T Bavle photo

In 2020, Lana T. Bavle, founder of LTB Leadership, moved from small town Saskatchewan to Vancouver Island to fulfill her dream of living in a tiny home surrounded by rainforest on the Pacific Ocean. As she downsized her life to fit into her new humble abode, she adopted the mantra of living tiny, thinking big, and creating balance. In 2020, Bavle officially left her career in Municipal Government to pursue her passion of helping others through leadership development, team building, and coaching via LTB Leadership. Bavle completed her Master of Arts in Leadership along with her Certificate in Executive Coaching at Royal Roads University in Victoria, BC. She is a certified facilitator for the Core Strengths SDI Assessments and works as an educator to help you take simple steps each day that will move you closer to your personal dreams. With over fifteen years of experience working in Municipal Government as CAO, Bavle’s experience and education offer a truly unique set of resources. She now operates LTB Leadership from her tiny home, affectionately named “The Hummingbird,” and finds balance in her life through paddleboarding, beach combing, going on adventures (taking photos of said adventures), and going for long walks on the beach with her two wiener dogs.


Lana T Bavle

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