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Carter Bluebottle the Dragonfly cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-03-918341-4
    • epub, pdf files
  • Paperback Edition
    • 978-1-03-918339-1
    • 8.5 x 8.5 inches
    • Standard Color interior
    • 28 pages
  • Hardcover Edition
    • 978-1-03-918340-7
    • 8.5 x 8.5 inches
    • Standard Color interior
    • 28 pages
  • Keywords
    • swamp life,
    • wetlands,
    • insects,
    • dragonflies,
    • ants,
    • bees,
    • friendship

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Carter Bluebottle the Dragonfly
Carter and Red
by RJ Friesen

This book will appeal to most children 4-6yr age group. As they will have at least been in a country/park setting and noticed the diverse flora and fauna interactions. The dragonfly/insect's portrait human traits found in humans. Not necessarily gender specific. The theme centers on exploring, making friends, getting lost and the implications that could happen to a young person. It will be relatable to the young audience.

Bryce had critiqued the original story and with his input has helped Carter Bluebottle the Dragonfly to evolve into the storyline we have today.

Growing up in Southern Alberta, Canada. My brothers and I were raised in a small town (Fort Macleod). We had lots of relatives and school mates, some of whom were a bit older and others a bit younger. Through their interactions with myself, allows me to relate to you this story. Many times going to rural areas my dad and mom would take us visiting many farms. As well camping/picnic outings at local lakes, streams and rivers throughout the years. Going forward, my wife (Lori) and myself would again follow a pattern of going on camping/fishing adventures. Taking along our son and daughter. On this outing, about which this story was formulated. We stopped at a local fishing lake. While there I would speak out loud to the kids, inventing a scenario while watching how the blue dragonfly's and mosquitos would hover over the water. Noticing occasionally, how the stocked trout would jump out of the water to consume an unlikely insect. Upon arriving home that evening, both kids said I should put the story to words and make a book. A life lesson could be added into the story to make it relatable to young people. This is one of many other stories that I had originally put to paper. And will be coming out later. Hope you, enjoy!


RJ Friesen
Bryce Friesen

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