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Going Out and Coming In cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-03-917106-0
    • epub, pdf files
  • Paperback Edition
    • 978-1-03-917104-6
    • 5.5 x 8.5 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 144 pages
  • Hardcover Edition
    • 978-1-03-917105-3
    • 5.5 x 8.5 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 144 pages
  • Keywords
    • Mennonite memoir,
    • Religious memoir,
    • Ministry in Latin America,
    • Mennonite Central Committee Canada,
    • Mennonite women writers,
    • Canadian Mennonites,
    • Anabaptist Church

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Going Out and Coming In
Ministry with Latin-American Mennonite Churches and Beyond
by Helen Dueck

Balancing familial and professional responsibilities requires incredible determination. Now imagine doing this in a foreign country and with a young family. Author Helen Dueck doesn’t have to imagine. This was her life after she and her husband answered the call to ministry. As their family grew so too did the hardships and joys of their ministerial life abroad. Going Out and Coming In: Ministry with Latin American Mennonite Churches and Beyond is the memoir of Helen Dueck, a wife, mother, and professional minister. From her early years growing up in Saskatchewan, Canada, to attending teacher’s college, Dueck shares the many steps that led to her husband and their ministerial work. From Brazil to Bolivia, Uruguay to Colombia and Mexico, they were invited to teach, first with immigrant churches and institutions before working with national churches in leadership preparation. Working as a team, Dueck and her late husband adapted their lifestyle to their work. They supported their colleagues in building strong churches and growing the Mennonite community. Even in retirement, the Duecks’ commitment to their faith and community was unwavering. With honesty and humour, Going Out and Coming In offers a rare look at Mennonite missions, communities, and churches across Latin America. Rarer still, this memoir is a portrayal of how one woman reaches harmony as a wife, mother, and working professional.

“Going Out and Coming In” fits Helen and Henry Dueck and their extraordinary flexibility to serve where they were called throughout their lives. We are grateful to Helen for giving the time to record her experiences of following God’s leading, and the opportunities to work with remarkable people in ministries that continue to impact the global church today. -Linda Shelly, Director for Latin America, Mennonite Mission Network With quiet optimism and a steadfast reliance on God’s promptings Helen Dueck invites us to accompany her on her families journeys to South America, Central America to teach, preach and translate. Fluent in English, Spanish and German Helen and her husband Henry accept the challenge to be partners in God’s work in Mennonite Institutions and churches in the southern hemisphere. after the children left for studies they accepted invitations to teach in Switzerland, India, Taiwan and Mexico. - Justina Heese, Member of Mission and Education Boards in the Mennonite international church.

Helen Dueck photo

Helen Dueck worked in ministry and lived in Latin America for nearly fifty years. She is an active member of the Bethel Mennonite Church and an alumna of Goshen College and Princeton Seminary. As the only living foreign faculty member who taught at the Mennonite seminary in Montevideo, Dueck was inspired to share her stories. This seminary’s students influenced the growth and expansion of the national and German immigrant churches. She hopes others will learn from their stories and the greater sister churches abroad. Going Out and Coming In: Ministry with Latin American Mennonite Churches and Beyond is Helen Dueck’s first book. She lives in Winnipeg, Manitoba.


Helen Dueck
Helen Baergen
Suzanne Dueck

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