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My Truth cover

  • Paperback Edition
    • 978-1-03-915992-1
    • 5.5 x 8.5 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 156 pages
  • Hardcover Edition
    • 978-1-03-915993-8
    • 5.5 x 8.5 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 156 pages
  • Keywords
    • St. Vincent and the Grenadines,
    • Canada,
    • Immigration,
    • Abuse,
    • Betrayal,
    • Sexual Assault,
    • Motherhood

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My Truth
by Lafleur Barker

What do you do when your world is a living hell? Do you accept the hand you’ve been dealt, or do you fight for a better life? At every turn, Lafleur Barker chose the latter option. This is her story. Lafleur was born in Saint Vincent in the Grenadines to destitute and overworked parents. After enduring a childhood of poverty and abuse, she took her destiny in her own hands and travelled to North America in the hopes of finding a better life. Unfortunately, hell followed her across the ocean. In Canada, Lafleur endured a series of living nightmares; violence, cruelty, and betrayal met her at every turn. Alone in a huge country, with no family, friends, or support, Lafleur had to learn how to survive on her own. She endured all the bumps and bruises, and she persevered until she reached a light at the end of the tunnel. Fundamentally, Lafleur’s story is about hope, resilience, and optimism. By trusting herself and the Lord, she survived the unimaginable. She is now blessed with a loving family and a well of hope for the future. Her story—her truth—is an inspiration for us all. Lafleur reminds us that with love and courage, anything is possible.

Lafleur Barker was born in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. In her large family, there was never quite enough food or love to go around. Lafleur always knew that she would have to look after herself. When she was sixteen years old, she moved to Canada with no money, supports, or safety nets. She has since been fighting for a better life. Lafleur has worked in childcare and healthcare sectors. In all aspects of her life, she is also a storyteller. She decided to record her stories on paper when her friends encouraged her to share her truth with the world. Lafleur lives in Brampton, Ontario, with her husband and two daughters. She enjoys reading and travelling. Readers can find her on Facebook and Instagram.


Lafleur Barker

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