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Path of the Raven cover

  • Keywords
    • Fantasy,
    • Young Adult,
    • Action-adventure,
    • Wizards and Magic,
    • Mythological creatures,
    • Battles,
    • Quests

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Path of the Raven
Recurrence Vol I
by Devon Manning

They only know him as Wravien. He has summoned each of them—Valex the dragonborn slave, Vel the human orphan, and Kaylessa the elvish sage—for some unknown purpose, seeming to have all the answers to their problems. He pays them generously, offers them a home, and gives them the status of heroes. But can they trust him, and can they trust each other? With each quest he sends them on, things become clearer—and more confusing. He wants to build a town, but why? What need does he have for a dangerous drunk, or a monster hunting assassin? How does he know about future events? As the three adventurers overcome the odds time after time, they learn that their mysterious benefactor holds the weight of the world on his shoulders.

Devon Manning photo

Devon Manning is a Dungeons and Dragons enthusiast who enjoys creating his own campaigns and sharing them with friends and family. He is also a singer-songwriter with his own solo act called Lionhearted, which showcases songs about mental health. When he’s not writing or playing music, Devon enjoys practicing archery, boxing, scuba diving, painting, and playing video games. He lives in Edmonton, Alberta.


Devon Manning

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