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Natural Light cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-03-912260-4
    • epub, pdf files
  • Paperback Edition
    • 978-1-03-912258-1
    • 6.0 x 9.0 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 282 pages
  • Hardcover Edition
    • 978-1-03-912259-8
    • 6.0 x 9.0 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 282 pages
  • Keywords
    • Wilderness odyssey,
    • Wildlife,
    • Depression,
    • Survival,
    • Purpose,
    • Natural light,
    • Love

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Natural Light
My Odyssey and Transformation in the Wild
by Greg Dandeneau

After a childhood of poverty, Greg gorged on the wisdom of business courses, motivational speakers, and success gurus, and launched into business. But his financial world soon collapsed while numerous ended relationships convinced him he was also flawed at love. As depression’s sinewy grip filled his thoughts with death, sudden paranormal experiences revealed profound truths, having him questioning reality as he knew it. Confused, broke and broken, his only glimmer of hope being his childhood love of nature, he ventured alone into the wilderness for three and a half months not caring if he died. During his wilderness sojourn in Manitoba’s Riding Mountain National Park, Greg confronted aggressive bears, outbreaks of insects, boredom, his demons, and himself. Then, one humid day, he slipped into a mystical experience. Ultimate reality, the truth of his existence, suddenly became clear. But before returning home, Greg had to die a thousand deaths in the wilderness—a thousand deaths for love—to ultimately reveal his own natural light. Natural Light is a thought-provoking memoir about one man’s journey into the wilderness to discover the profound love that every human being desperately desires, ultimately breaking his life-long depression and discovering what true success really is.

"Natural Light is a book that needed to be published." —Sharon Butala, author of Perfection of the Morning “Natural Light makes Wild seem tame!” —Paul Robillard, Executive Coach, Vancouver, BC “Stunning meanings from his most engaging tale.” —Jock McKeen, Co-founder, Haven Institute “A rite of passage to the edge of terror to take his place as a fallible human being.” —Meredith Little, co-founder, School of Lost Borders “I loved this spiritual adventure page-turner.” —Rick Archer, creator of Buddha at the Gas Pump “Intimacy beyond expectation, a journey beyond imagination.” —Berns Galloway, MEd, Somatic Experiencing International “A plethora of transformational experiences.” —Professor Jake Chapman, PhD, Cambridge, UK, physicist, Enlightenment Intensive Master since 1983 “A torrential outpouring of rage, joy, love, and spirituality – one of the most impassioned books I’ve ever read.” —Donna Morrissey, author of Kit’s Law

Greg Dandeneau struggled to find meaning as a carpenter while always dreaming of working or being in the wilderness. Feeling at the mercy of depression and life’s hidden forces, he immersed himself in many psychology and spiritual books, courses, workshops, teachings, and philosophies, trying to find the answers to life’s biggest questions. Through his book, he especially hopes to illuminate the healing power of nature, the importance of time alone in it, even if it’s just going for walks in a local park, and that we should question not only our beliefs and everything we think we know, but the definition of belief itself. He suggests that love is ultimately the only open road; all else is a dead end street. Greg lives with his wife, Fiona, in their cozy, artistic home in the beautiful, sacred, and historic hills of Southern Saskatchewan. He can be found roaming the coulees, ravines, and thickets or lying under the stars on a hilltop without a tent, letting the coyote’s cry sing him to sleep.


Greg Dandeneau

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