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CareerEcologia Workbook cover

  • Paperback Edition
    • 978-1-5255-4493-4
    • 8.5 x 11.0 inches
    • Premium Color interior
    • 72 pages
  • Hardcover Edition
    • 978-1-5255-4492-7
    • 8.5 x 11.0 inches
    • Premium Color interior
    • 72 pages
  • Keywords
    • Professional development,
    • Human resources,
    • Self-help,
    • Career development Resume building,
    • Communication,
    • Mentoring

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CareerEcologia Workbook
by Phyllis Pouyat Thibodeau

What does "Sustainability" mean to you? What are the forces of change that are impacting you now - in your Job, Career, or LIFE? How may you prepare now for your own "sustainable future" as the world is changing economically, environmentally and socially? The world is fast-forwarding to demand every person, at every stage of their life, be prepared to adapt to multiple forces of change, impacting every sector of employment, outmoding old jobs and demanding entrepreneurial approaches. Students are having trouble finding “the job” after school, mid-career changes require new learning, and leaders can not achieve innovation by top-down approaches of the past. But how may we navigate so many unknowns and the "human ecology” of careers over longer lifespans while resources seem to be more constrained than ever? The CareerEcologia Course offers a 4-phase inquiry-directed process, designed to proactively build your collaborative and creative leadership of interdisciplinary solutions, related to contemporary issues of “sustainability” for yourself and others in your radius of impact. The workbook is designed as a constructive thinking and learning tool, integrating adaptive step-by-step guidance that is customizable to your unique situation, lifestyle and goals. Experiential learning and professional communications throughout the 4-phases may be maximized by partnering with our CareerEcologia Coaching, Course and Community of Practice. The CareerEcologia Workbook is offered separately as an introductory and accessible learning tool for students, educators and career changers who may find it useful within your own program or professional partnerships. We hope for you to become the change you seek in the world!

"This workbook is such a helpful resource! I used it to prepare for my interview, and GOT the JOB!" —G.Bellegarde, Diversity Education Policy, Washington DC. "The structured outlines in the workbook helped me organize my thoughts, be more clear and proactive in my field of international hospitality, tourism and management." —T. Kalchik, Eco-logical Tourism Management

Phyllis Pouyat Thibodeau is a Career and Leadership Education Consultant serving diverse clients in Washington DC and Chesapeake Bay Region. Her 35 years of experience combines human ecology, organizational systems and interdisciplinary education program development. She has been consistently invested in experiential and integrated workplace learning models to support professionals-in-flux, including creative arts, business, environmental sciences, technology, military and international development as well as leadership education overall. Over many decades of change for women in education and workplace, she has been attentive to challenges of conflict that is often part of creative collaboration, vital to next generation of innovation for sustainable futures! A wife, mother, and grandmother, she enjoys freelance work, while investing in her family and local coastal community in Maryland, just across the bridge from Washington DC. Her mantra: A Job is not a Career and a Career is not a Life!


Phyllis Pouyat Thibodeau

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