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Pure Blood cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-5255-2867-5
    • epub, mobi, pdf files
  • Paperback Edition
    • 978-1-5255-2866-8
    • 5.5 x 8.5 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 330 pages
  • Hardcover Edition
    • 978-1-5255-2865-1
    • 5.5 x 8.5 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 330 pages
  • Keywords
    • Young adult fantasy,
    • Coming-of-age novel,
    • Teen fantasy novel,
    • Coming-of-age teen,
    • Coming-of-age story,
    • Teen fantasy story,
    • Secret world fantasy

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Pure Blood
by Daiana Eckert

Jordon Rosser knows perfectly well who she is: a student at a nondescript, subpar community college in the microscopic town of Armado, Arizona. Jordon was sure her fantasy of a more exciting and fulfilling existence was just that, a fantasy. But when she and her lifelong friend, “Razz” Lords, learn of an unusual college in Phoenix that offers the opportunity for a formal education, her fantasy begins to take on shades of reality. At the school, Jordon and Razz meet two men with the same beautifully sculpted face but with souls as different as night and day. Taken in by the school’s mystical and unorthodox nature, Jordon and Razz allow their suitors to guide them into two diverse worlds that jeopardize their friendship and their future. The girls’ lives unravel with each passing day as the perfect people surrounding them are revealed to be not just professors and campus staff but also entities linked to the divisions between good and evil. As Razz and Jordon are introduced to a new and unusual reality, they struggle with the truths their families have hidden from them. Memories of other realms flood their minds, triggering internal struggles as each girl comes to grips with her true identity, a conflict that will test the boundaries of their friendship forever.

"Pure Blood is a truly fantastic read, that captivates and pulls the reader into the story in a modern meets fantasy arrangement. Once you start, you won’t be able to put this book down, until every last page is turned! Looking forward to the chapters to come!!" —Jennifer Maslak "I found myself submersed in relatable characters. Combined with vivid imagery and captivating senarios, I couldn't put Pure Blood down. When the sad day came to the last page, I started the book again" —Yvonne Benoit "Pure Blood is the debut novel of an exciting new author for the world of YA Supernatural/Fantasy. A coming of age story that takes us into the world of fae, we experience discovery of self, friendships, lies, trust, family and so much more. The world our author is creating is still cloaked in mystery at this point, only giving hints of the world outside the human world, and what is yet to come. A must read for fans of this genre, it will draw you in and leave you wanting more." —Ashley Wood

Author Daiana Eckert has always surrounded her life with creative inspiration. Writing was natural and easy to become lost in. As a photographer, her motto is “Let Your Imagination Run Wild”, she hopes that readers of her work will follow this motto and dive into the worlds she creates through words.


Daiana Eckert

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