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The Creationship
An Intimate Relationship With Creation
by Edward R. Kays

Have you ever wondered why some days everything just seems to fall into place? Or why, when you’re trying to start something new, everything you need has a way of just showing up? Think these experiences are coincidences or random synchronicities? Think Again. What if something is going on behind the scenes, something much more majestic, mysterious, and… intimate? What if, without knowing it, you are in a dialogue with creation itself? What if you could hear this unconscious conversation, understand its language, and become an active participant in your life? Welcome to the wondrous world of Providence. The 7 Principles of Providence will help train your body to recognize co-creation in action. It’s all about alignment. Once you understand the house rules, the rest is history. Life gets great, relationships start to work, finances add up, health advances exceptionally, love flows deeply, intelligence soars. If you knew that Heaven (Paradise, Nirvana, Valhalla, etc.) is right here, right now, what would you do with your life? Begin an intimate relationship with creation and watch as your life unfolds with magic, beauty, grace, abundance, love, and wisdom—this day and every day for the rest of your life. This is your creationship.

Edward R. Kays photo

Edward is an author, speaker, healer, culinary artist, permaculture designer, and herbal consultant and is devoted to every life he comes across—human and otherwise. It all comes down to one simple idea: begin an intimate relationship with creation, naturally.


Edward R. Kays

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