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C.M.C. The Unseen cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-4602-9098-9
    • epub, mobi, pdf files
  • Paperback Edition
    • 978-1-4602-9097-2
    • 5.5 x 8.5 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 60 pages
  • Hardcover Edition
    • 978-1-4602-9096-5
    • 5.5 x 8.5 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 60 pages
  • Keywords
    • Depression,
    • Suicide,
    • Personal journey,
    • Relationships,
    • Father and son,
    • Teenager grief,
    • Empowerment

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C.M.C. The Unseen
If you truly want to see as if you were blind take one look at the unseen
by Marcus C.

In a world full of madness I had no choice so I adapted. I simply fell into the darkness but now in here I'm accepted. I was once confined to a black state of mind and tied to the demons which now I embrace. My mind is so dark it can't be corrupted. A heart so cold it can't be broken. I am one with the abyss where I was once lost. I couldn't find home so I made one. I was nearly destroyed yet I grew stronger instead. If you don't quite fit in with the general society maybe you should give this book a chance. If you've never been given much of a chance or if you often feel alone or scared maybe give it a shot. If you simply want to see the world in a new light, or lack there of then it's on these pages you should look. This is the unseen side of me and my unique perspective on the world you thought you knew.

About me? Just an everyday person like you or that guy down the road? I guess I'd say I'm a dreamer. I guess I'd say I'm a broken soldier fighting with only willpower left. Nothing particularly exceptional except one thing. Unlike most of you out there I've done away with my mask. Once and for all I no longer hide who I am. I see the world so much more clearly. Some call me a vampire but so much of them would draw from the life of someone else why am I the "vampire"? So I guess I am different and I wouldn't have it any other way.


Marcus C.

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