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Spirituality and Holistic Healing
by Sr. Theresa Feist

You are in search of wholeness. You have a body, mind and spiritual life. Your spirit cannot soar if your feet are heavy. Your mind is confused when your blood is stagnant. You need to care properly for your temple. You are responsible for rebuilding your temple. Rebuilding is a process which frequently includes a demolition of the old, prior to a solid construction of the new. Some of the demolition involves a radical change in your belief system. Once the new bricks of a solid belief system come into your line of vision you will sense a joy within that nothing can take away. It is the experience of having touched the infinity that lives within you. When I accept responsibility for my choices, I am ready to grow. Free choice is a discipline. Free and deliberate choices are the way to salvation. Pain is an indicator for necessary change – an alert. What I do with that alert is my choice. The healing is in the choice… for integration or disaster.

Sr. Theresa Feist photo

SR. THERESA FEIST is the Director of the Flaman-Morris Home - a nutritional teaching centre dealing with the holistic care for the body, mind and spirit - in Fort Qu’Appelle, Saskatchewan, Canada


Sr. Theresa Feist

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