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Oh, to be a Knight cover

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Oh, to be a Knight
by Liisa Schell and Spencer Schell

In the picture book "Oh, to be a Knight" a child and his friends live between the real world and the imaginary world. They love to play with joy and exuberance, but sometimes their play results in mishaps. They all decide they need the help of the imaginary world to protect themselves and to continue playing with their high level of excitement. They realize that a knight from the past and his armour could protect them from any injuries. They imagine themselves having access to different parts of his armour in order to play anywhere, anytime. As parents, grandparents, caregivers and educators, we try to provide children with the skills to take care of themselves . "Oh, to be a Knight" in a humorous and historical way, tries to give young children the awareness of being careful. The authors hope that this book promotes that awareness and helps to keep children safe as they go about their busy and adventurous lives.

Liisa and Spencer Schell, as parents, raised three daughters and at present are thoroughly enjoying their six grandchildren. Both have been educators. Liisa has taught elementary, middle years, high school, special needs and adult EAL. Spencer has taught high school English and worked as a resource teacher as well as a special needs teacher in his high school Student Services Department. "Oh, to be a Knight" is a picture book for children that was a team effort. Liisa developed the storyline and content of the book and through collaboration Spencer created the verse. He has always enjoyed writing in various forms such as newspaper articles, short stories, satire, and humour. The accompanying illustrations were also produced by Liisa.


Liisa Schell
Spencer Schell

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