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In God We Trust cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-4602-7742-3
    • epub, mobi, pdf files
  • Keywords
    • War between gods,
    • Apocalypse,
    • Nuclear weapons,
    • Cuban missile crisis,
    • Racial discrimination,
    • Angels and demons,
    • John Kennedy,
    • Khrushchev

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In God We Trust
by Beaulena C. Dunn

A war is brewing between good and evil, in the heavens and upon the earth—a war that could destroy the very fabric of the universe. As the underworld amasses its power and warriors of heaven prepare their weapons, the clock ticks towards doom. The fate of all rests with Alogar, a gentle little entity incarnated as an earth-born child, to prevent the collapse of both realms. Set in the anxious days of the Cuban Missile Crisis, In God We Trust questions the nature of free will, destiny and the immorality that comes with the wielding of immense power. All that has been, and will be, was pre-destined—until now. Will Alogar be able to return the world to its pre-ordained path? Or will the forces of evil prevent the entity from fulfilling its own destiny?

Beaulena C. Dunn photo

Raised and educated in New York City and North Carolina, Beaulena Dunn was just a child when the Cuban Missile Crisis erupted onto the world stage. Even then, she felt malevolent forces were responsible for the nuclear madness. Her work experiences in a mental institution, as an ambulance technician and medical coordinator in the emergency department of two hospitals, has shown her the depths of human pain as well as life’s many miracles. Besides writing, Beaulena’s passion for music initially brought her to Canada as a professional singer, and eventually she made it her home. The author currently lives with her husband on the outskirts of Montréal, Quebec, surrounded by woods and small wildlife.


Beaulena C. Dunn

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