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Reclaiming the Life We Lost Along the Way cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-4602-5543-8
    • epub, mobi, pdf files
  • Paperback Edition
    • 978-1-4602-5542-1
    • 6 x 9 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 200 pages
  • Hardcover Edition
    • 978-1-4602-5541-4
    • 6 x 9 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 200 pages
  • Keywords
    • Non-fiction,
    • Spiritual,
    • Ego,
    • Self-help,
    • Mind & Spirit,
    • Philosophy,
    • Healing

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Reclaiming the Life We Lost Along the Way
by John Paterson

We’ve been sold a bill of goods. Not out of malice but out of a fundamental misunderstanding of how to effectively approach our lives—and the world—in order to secure the genuine happiness and authentic loving relationships we desire. In Reclaiming the Life We Lost Along the Way, we discover that at the heart of every decision we make is the intention to reduce our suffering and satisfy our unmet yearnings. Authentic love, safety, acceptance, connection, belonging, meaning, purpose, value, appreciation. These are the shared desires of every human being. To meet these desires, we have invested tremendous effort, yet the quality of life we have sought continues to elude us. The reason is shockingly simple: We have attempted to resolve an internal problem with external solutions. The outside world can never satisfy our deepest longings until our inner world makes a critical shift in perception and orientation. When this internal shift occurs, our experience of everything outside of us begins to change as well. This is the key to realizing and experiencing the quality of life we have been seeking for so long. Discover who you really are, recover your true self, bring your unique gifts to life, then share them with the world. This book shows you how to reclaim the life you were born to live by recovering the authentic love and deep fulfillment you came out of the Universe to encounter and extend in your own life and the lives of everyone you touch.

"As a Life Coach working with leaders and individuals from the inside out for more than 30 years, John opens his heart and soul to share his wisdom of witnessing and awakening the beauty and loving potential that lies within each of us. This book is a true reflection of the hero's quest." Samar Shata, MCP Author of 14 letters to Ms Money Founder and Visionary of Women Temple Institute "John’s intuitive genius for developing human potential is sparked by his endless curiosity, his professionalism, and the excitement he brings when he engages people. He has the uncanny ability to meet people at their own level. He is truly invested and inspired by observing and assisting people discover their inner potential. John is an amazingly gifted and passionate individual whose gift is his ability to map out a process of change that birth’s potential.” Jason Spies - Executive Director and Interventionist, LDR Holistic Addiction Wellness Center Inc.

John Paterson photo

It is uncommon to be with someone and to have the pleasure of experiencing parts of oneself mirrored back. Being with John Paterson creates a joy of experiencing yourself as loveable and loving. It is very special. John walks his talk of loving unconditionally. In fact, unconditional love is the essence of his spirituality. To find himself where he is today, John has taken a long and at times arduous journey. The middle child of seven siblings, he became an alcoholic at a very young age. Later, he found new maps that directed his travels into the corporate/consulting world, academic world, family world, and beyond. John earned a Master’s degree in Leadership and is currently working in the addiction treatment field. The journey, not the destination, is what John holds sacred. Eternally questing, reflecting upon his “Inner World” and his “Outer World,” recognizing available choices, and finding the courage to act upon them, defines John's current journeying. This, and more, he does with the greatest of gusto! He is a passionate, energetic, exuberant man, and he brings all of himself to everything he does. His life-long passion is discovering how human beings can access and express their deepest and broadest potential. He is also a gifted musician, devoted family man, and a lover of nature. John is reflected in every page of this book.


John Paterson

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