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Olga cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-4602-2945-3
    • epub, mobi, pdf files
  • Keywords
    • Exercise,
    • Sports,
    • Nutrition,
    • Healthy living,
    • Self-help,
    • memoir,
    • Positive attitude

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The O.K. Way to a Healthy, Happy Life
by Olga Kotelko and Roxanne Davies

In my ninth decade, I am enjoying aging gracefully. Growing old happens whether we like it or not, so why not make the best of these years? I learned early on to focus less on my age and more on how I age. With a little practice and perseverance we can all take pleasure in the physical, mental, and spiritual benefits of wellbeing. My goal in writing this book has always been to inspire others to step onto the path to good health. You will find tips and techniques, and detailed explanations on how to keep fit. I even include a joke at the end of each chapter to celebrate the spirit-boosting power of laughter. Come on the journey with me. Believe you can do it because I believe you can. It’s never too late to reap the rewards of a healthy and happy life.

Every day is a gift that we should celebrate. It’s never too late to get fit. Giving up is never an option. Life is a game. Play to win.

Olga Kotelko photo

As of 2014, Olga Kotelko has broken 26 world records in track and field and earned over 700 medals. Throughout her athletic career she has been one of the most outstanding ‘super seniors’ on the circuit. Of Ukrainian descent, Olga was born in a small Saskatchewan town on March 2, 1919. She became a teacher in 1941 and, over the next 34 years, she taught her students the importance of developing good health and fitness habits to ensure they maintain a balanced life. After retiring from teaching at 65, Olga played on a softball team for ten years. At 77, she decided to try track and field where the running and throwing events coincided with her experience on the baseball diamond. Her dedication to the sport helped her win gold. She has continued to sustain her successful efforts on the field and competes regularly at track meets around the world. Olga lives with her daughter and son-in-law in West Vancouver, B.C.


Olga Kotelko
Roxanne Davies
Michele Carter

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