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When Death Speaks
Listen, Learn, and Love
by Stephen Lloyd Garrett

Death has been pushed out of life and into a dark and lonely ‘morgue’. North Americans generally approach the topic of death with fear and denial in hand. When Death Speaks is all about changing the conversation to one of openness and inspiration. When Death Speaks approaches death with compassion, love and frankness, talking openly about death, planning for the inevitable, and supporting family and friends with tools and skills to begin a new type of conversation. The tools, information, and real life stories are all designed to offer a different perspective in dealing with death and loss. The practices offered are designed to use ‘smaller deaths’ as preparation for the death of our body. When Death Speaks is all about bringing death back to life.

“A timely and important book made more necessary with every passing day by the Aging of the Planet, and the fact that modern man lives more and more removed from natural things like dying.” Moses Znaimer (Founder, President & CEO, ZoomerMedia) “Death and taxes are our only certainties in this world and we are only talking about one of them. It is time to talk about the other. This is truly a MUST READ book. It changed the way I look at life, by changing the way I look at death.” Teresa de Grosbois, three-time bestselling author (Founder & Chairman, Evolutionary Business Council)

Stephen Lloyd Garrett photo

When you first meet Stephen, you know you are meeting a man who lives life fully. A genuine heart and commitment to Life have produced in Stephen the qualities of a warrior: integrity, strength, leadership, kindness, and wisdom. Stephen has experienced success in life as a teacher, an investment banker, a social worker, and author. His greatest achievement though is his courage in the midst of adversity. Along with his success, Stephen has faced tremendous loss and difficulty in his life. What makes Stephen as a man more profound than his many accomplishments is his choice to remain open, loving and steadfast in the midst of hardship. What truly makes the mark of this man is his lifetime of service. Stephen exudes what is possible when you live your life in alignment with your own deepest purpose. He lives from the Truth he has discovered within. He makes it possible for others to do the same. Stephen is known for his exceptional commitment to each and every person that crosses his path. Stephen’s heart’s passion and life energy is focussed on changing the conversation we have about death from one of fear and denial to one of embrace and inspiration.


Stephen Lloyd Garrett

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