Social Science
Sail with the Tide
a Dad's View of Addiction by James W. Stewart
Sadly, few of us haven’t had our lives touched by addiction. Even more tragic, for many of us, it is our child who is suffering—and our child who we struggle to help. James W. Stewart is one such parent. When his late son, Joshua, started down...
Am I Literate?
Redefining Literacy in the Age of Artificial Intelligence by Kate Arthur
Kate grew up in a home where words mattered. Inspired by her family’s love of reading, she pursued a degree in English Literature and began a career as a publicist. Confident in her mastery of language, Kate believed she was literate—until her...
Frauds, Phones & Fingerprints
Proving Your Identity in the Digital Age by Almis Ledas
The internet is a happy hunting ground for identity thieves, fraudsters and scammers. Criminal impersonation has evolved leaving established methods for protection against identity theft no longer effective. If you’re active online, it’s time to...
In The Event
Living With an Earthquake by Mark B. Jabusch
Dive into the frantic fight for survival in this riveting, firsthand account of the devastating earthquake and tsunami that hit northeastern Japan in 2011. In the Event: Living with an Earthquake takes readers onto the heaving, rolling streets as...
Wheel of Life
by Roger L. Rondeau
Wheel of Life is an adventure novel that comes in many forms. It travels through time from the mid-1600s until today. It depicts a clan immigrating from Normandy, France to the New World in Canada. Then after being deported moving along the...
A Legend Hunter's Search for Ogopogo the Elusive Creature of Okanagan Lake
by William Steciuk
Kelowna resident Bill Steciuk didn’t believe in Ogopogo. But that was about to change. In October of 1978, while driving across the bridge from the west side of Lake Okanagan, he saw something in the water that made him stop his car. All the...
Grief's Walking Stick
A Personal Journey from Sorrow to Service by Stephen L Garrett
With profound insight and heartfelt candor, Grief’s Walking Stick takes readers on a transformative journey from death and grief avoidance to embracing these inevitable parts of life. The chronicle of Rev. Stephen Garrett’s evolutionary path...
My Mother's Legacy
by Bonita Nowell
A survival story and celebration of one woman’s life, My Mother's Legacy is also a glimpse of the spirit, culture, and history of Indigenous Peoples in Canada. From life on the trapline in the Far North to meeting the Pope at the Vatican, this is...
How to Adopt a Village in Africa
A Story of Joy, Pain, and Purpose by Sheena Ashdown
How to Adopt a Village in Africa: A Story of Joy, Pain, and Purpose is the memoir of how author Sheena Ashdown started a small NGO, the Africa Village Project Association (AVPA). As a young adult, Sheena travelled around West Africa, doing almost...
10 Days in February... Limitations & 10 Days in March... Possibilities
A Memoir by Eleanor Deckert
As a child in the 1960s, my biggest and happiest influences were: • living in the mountains of Colorado • experiencing Brownies and Girl Scouts • Laura Ingalls Wilder’s ‘Little House’ books • Helen Keller and her teacher, Annie Sullivan •...