Travel, Europe, France
Milk with Wine
A Child's Year in Paris, 1963 by Meg Westley
In 1963, eight-year-old Meg is swept off to Paris for a year with her family. A precocious child raised in an English enclave of Montreal, she speaks no French at all. Her parents enrol her at a strict Parisian school, where she is treated like...
Travels in Languedoc
Secrets to a Memorable Visit by Andrea Swan and Monique Guezel
The Languedoc region of France features so many towns, festivals, restaurants, wineries, and cultural attractions that you could spend years getting to know the area. What’s a visitor to do when you have only so many days to explore the...
A Garrulous Tramp
Harri's on Tour by Carl H. Harrison
After a career in Canadian banking Carl decided to retire early from gainful employment. He wanted to travel down the roads he had day-dreamed of during his working years. So off he went to achieve fulfilment of those travelling desires. A...