Religion, Christianity
Journey to Lessen the Gap
Between Scripture and Psychology by Sharon Priest and Kathryn Colegrave
Orphans, Wanderers, Warriors, Altruists, and Magicians, oh my! This is not a book for the faint hearted! This book draws from three basic ideologies and shows how they intersect and compliment each other without forcing them into a box with rigid...
Reclaiming the Oral Tradition of the African Baptist Church
by David W. Sparks
In a narrative built on groundbreaking research, David W. Sparks traces the history of African Baptists in North America, particularly Nova Scotia, in Reclaiming the Oral Tradition of the African Baptist Church. His goal is to recapture and...
Under The Halo
Examining the Legacy of William Branham by Rod Bergen
Under The Halo is an examination of whether William Branham, a twentieth-century faith healer and evangelist, was a prophet of God as believed by an estimated 1 to 1.5 million followers who call his teachings the “Message.“ Written by a former...
Mennonite to Mainstream
Abandoning the Old Colony and Growing Up in Rural Canada by Judy Ann
In a family history that stretches back five hundred years, Judy introduces readers to life under Old Colony Mennonite rules as experienced by her parents and grandparents in rural Canada and Mexico. Despite this history, it took Judy’s family...
A Collection of Life Stories
With Stops Along the Way by Miltiades B. Efthimiou
Rev. Dr. Miltiades B. Efthimiou, an Orthodox protopresbyter of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, shares an encouraging message which motivates the reader to aspire to seek the source of all wisdom, focusing on the love between God...
...and there was no more sea
by Rev. A. van Straalen
I gladly comply to the request of many at the release of this bundle of sermons, to write an introductory word. As far as these sermons are concerned, they were spoken by me in my beloved congregation and brought to the press by a few well...
Soundings on Eucharist and Priesthood
by Michael Dallaire
The Catholic Church is caught up in the ebbs and flows of old and new that accompanies the change of eras at play in our world today. Tensions between tradition and creative change are being experienced within the Eucharist and within the...
Poems for the Pilgrim Pathway, Volume Three: Count Your Blessings
by Ken Lievers
The Christian pathway is a personal one and a pilgrim’s journey. Those who are committed to Jesus Christ will develop a set of values, face challenges in their choices, and eventually develop Christlikeness in their character. These poems are for...
The Gentile Times Reconsidered
Have Jehovah's Witnesses Been Wrong All Along About 607 BCE? by Carl Olof Jonsson
The Gentile Times Reconsidered, by Swedish author Carl Olof Jonsson, is a scholarly treatise based on careful and extensive research, including an unusually detailed study of Assyrian and Babylonian records relative to the date of Jerusalem’s...
Under His Divine Gaze
A Spiritual Memoir by Monique Pilon-Fraschetti
On a quest to find a resolution to her physical illnesses, Monique Pilon-Fraschetti travels to Rome and Madrid to consult with specialists. She embarks on a sacred journey in search of healing and experiences a miraculous event while on a...