Philosophy, Religious
The Divine Daughter
A Naming Ceremony by Andrew Gilchrist
Ever feel swept up in a sea of novelty? When did the new become more important than the true? Andrew Gilchrist found a remedy to today's nausea of novelty in the most familiar elements of narrative and music. He has composed a new arrangement...
Thinking Christianity
The Importance of the Mind in the Christian Life by Daniel Klassen
Throughout Church history, a lack of clear thought has been the chief cause of heresy: wherever indifference to doctrine and theology has arisen, neglect and rejection have soon followed. Christianity today faces a crisis in thinking: there is...
Born Into Unity
Embracing Our Common Spirituality by P. D. Crawford
Today, many of us live under the impact of cultural pressures urging us to adopt an independent, me-first (or us-first) orientation towards life. "Born into Unity: Embracing Our Common Spirituality" urges us to do the opposite. This collection of...
Life at the End of Us Versus Them
Cross Culture Stories by Marcus Peter Rempel
Our present moment can no longer sustain a stable “us” defined against an alien “them.” So say René Girard and Ivan Illich, radical critics of both Christianity and culture. If they are right, this makes our time an endtime. The end of us against...
Freedom All The Way Up
God and the Meaning of Life in a Scientific Age by Christian J. Barrigar
Freedom All The Way Up proposes four intertwined elements that make up the meaning of life—self-worth, purpose, identity, and hope. Materialism (atheism) claim the universe has no meaning, so there is no larger purposeful story into which we can...
Moments That Blink Back
Tips and Triggers for Joyful Purpose by Augusta
When we listen, life is speaking constantly, profoundly, and intelligently in its every detail. Becoming aware, feeling beyond the coffee cup, tree or the morning light develops a new set of lens, transforming routine habit into joy-filled...
Listening to The Echo
young adults talk about religion, spirituality, God, gods and their world by Tom Sherwood
Why do so few young people attend church? Why are Jewish and Muslim millennials so disenchanted with religion? Why are young adult Catholics so angry? How can parents, grandparents, and religious leaders understand the younger generation’s...