Fiction, Legal
The Man Behind the Curtain
by Melanie Rodgers
A royal by blood, Amelia Royce’s life is far from any fairy-tale imaginable. For her entire life, she has been taking the path of least resistance in her attempt to find that place of peace she calls home, even if it means blindly following into...
The Monmouth Manifesto
by James Arnett
1782---George Washington “I demand the guilty—Cap Lippicott” “that villain Moody” The American Revolution is America’s first Civil War. “Loyalists’—those in the American colonies loyal to the British Crown and the colonial governments—see the...
They Flutter Behind You
by Brian Douglas
Brianna Barnes is sixteen, intelligent, sensitive, and in love. Things should be perfect. Except the man who adores her is thirty-seven and her high school guidance counselor. When the thrill of their illicit relationship comes crashing down,...
Olav's Story
by Bill Flowers
There are many uncommon things about Olav Williams: his upbringing in the tiny town of Twin Rivers on the coast of Labrador; his photographic memory that allows him to recall everything he has ever seen and heard in perfect detail; and the fact...
Old Bill's Last Will and Testament
by Lee Stuesser
It is the summer of 1972: the Vietnam War is still raging, the Cold War is still hot and WWII is still a lurking memory. This legal thriller travels from the Canadian bush to the Australian outback; from courtroom battles to barroom brawls. Old...
Playing with Players
The Sacred and Profane Meanderings of a Tax Auditor by Chris Stock
“Every man is entitled, if he can, to order his affairs so that the tax attaching under the appropriate Acts is less than it would otherwise be. If he succeeds in ordering them so as to secure this result, then, however unappreciative the...
by William Hancock
Nina Johnstone has a mission. CPS attorney, childhood abuse survivor, and overall badass, Nina has a bone to pick—and she's playing for keeps. Nina can't believe that the perpetrators of her latest child abuse case have—yet again—gotten off...
The Gratitude of Wasps
by CM Klyne
Following the violence and death on Bloody Saturday, June 21, 1919 that crushed the Winnipeg General Strike, corrupt sedition trials imprisoned strike leaders. So-called aliens were deported as the iron-fist of an unforgiving establishment sought...
Puzzle of Pieces
by Sally Hill Brouard
Elisabeth Nielsen had a difficult life almost from birth. Her father died when she was young, her mother didn’t have much money and Elisabeth was a very lonely only child. As an adult, she finds herself still alone and trapped in an unfulfilling...
Degrees of Guilt
by Jim Bennett
When a helicopter chartered by an anti-seal hunting group buzzes his boat off the coast of Newfoundland, Billy Wheeler downs it with a single shot, killing everyone on board. As his crewmates reel from shock, one thing becomes irrevocably clear:...