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A War, A Life
by Margaret Schweitzer

A War, A Life chronicles the life and times of the author’s maternal grandfather, a man she never met and knew very little about. By piecing together historical records detailing his military service in the two world wars of the 20th century, Margaret discovered surprises both large and small as she explored themes of emigration, political unrest, domestic strife, and events that changed the lives of millions. Based upon what she learned, she filled the remaining gaps of knowledge in her grandfather's life with historical fiction, describing events that may have happened to him without actual proof. This book is a blend of fact and fiction that demonstrates how handing down stories from one generation to the next fills an important role in our individual and collective pasts.

Margaret’s love of history and curiosity prompted her to explore what life was like in detail for a young man and his family a century ago. This is her fourth book published with Friesen Press. She lives near Thunder Bay, Ontario.


Margaret Schweitzer

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