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On All Realms cover

  • Paperback Edition
    • 978-1-03-832350-7
    • 8.0 x 10.0 inches
    • Standard Color interior
    • 156 pages
  • Hardcover Edition
    • 978-1-03-832351-4
    • 8.0 x 10.0 inches
    • Standard Color interior
    • 156 pages
  • Keywords
    • Witch memoir,
    • Mortician memoir,
    • Occultism,
    • Paranormal investigation,
    • Haunted places,
    • Mediumship,
    • Past lives

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On All Realms
by Kyla A. N. Edwards

A fascinating follow up to the author's first book, "Tarot Etc., I AM WITCH" with in-depth details and stories about the funeral industry as being both a mortician and psychic medium. This book is a personal account of the grim side of corporate mortuary standards and education practices unknown to the public, as well as many personal stories of teaching the occult and of paranormal investigations from my home in Vancouver B.C., & Steveston, B.C., to Northern Canada, and famous haunted locations across the U.S.A. including Salem, New Orleans, The Overlook/ Stanley Hotel, Croke-Patterson Mansion, Cheeseman Park, New England and more! We also take a journey through the fun filled drama, lessons and conflicts of working with others in these professions concerning life, death and the supernatural.

Kyla A. N. Edwards photo

I wear many hats. I was born a psychic medium in Vancouver, B.C., to my parents who were heavily involved in the Satanic church leading me to a very unique life path of occultism and spirituality putting me on a mission to be of service to others. I am an occultist, occult educator & mentor having many students and clients across the world, as well as a licensed funeral director & mortician specially trained in severe post mortem restoration reconstruction surgery, and certified master of funeral ceremonies favoring pagan funeral rites. I am a psychic medium and professional paranormal investigator having investigated some of the most haunted locations across B.C. and the U.S.A. I am a third degree High Priestess practicing the ancient Egyptian modality of Seichem, I am an artist, I am a published author of this book and my first book "Tarot Etc., I Am Witch", however above else, traditional Tarot is my ultimate passion as I have been reading Tarot since my father gave me my first deck at 11 years old. Tarot runs through my veins and after over 40 years of reading Tarot, I have clients all over the world including celebrity clientele. I now live a peaceful life on Vancouver Island with my husband and many animals painting, teaching the occult, writing and reading Tarot from home.


Kyla A. N. Edwards

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